Flashphoner and SoliCall Improve Quality in Flash-Based Solutions

Flashphoner, provider of Flash-to-SIP gateways, and SoliCall, provider of audio quality solutions, announced today on a combined solution that improves audio quality in Flash-based systems.

Flashphoner, provider of Flash-to-SIP gateways, and SoliCall, provider of audio quality solutions, announced today on a combined solution that improves audio quality in Flash-based systems.

Flashphoner provides Flash-to-SIP gateways for high quality Flash-VoIP communication. Flashphoner provides a gateway between RTMP and RTMFP to SIP. Flashphoner focuses on scalable low latency products.

SoliCall provides products for audio quality improvement on both server-side/network filtering and client-side filtering. SoliCall offers both OEM products and stand-alone plug-and-play products.

"Sound quality and low latency is the key parameters for comfortable web calling. We are excited about partnership with SoliCall experts. Our common aim is to provide best quality sound and maximum low latency web communications", said Pavel Ismailov, CEO of Flashphoner project.

"This cooperation demonstrates the importance of standardization in VoIP. Standardization was a key enabler to this new offering", said Moses Benjamin, Director of Marketing for SoliCall. "From this day, Flash-based solutions will enjoy high quality audio, free of echo and noise.", Mr. Benjamin concluded.

A technical case study with explanation on the architecture could be found at www.solicall.com/blog/?p=252 . This case study shows the components and the correlation between them.

About SoliCall Ltd.
SoliCall Ltd. is a privately-held company. SoliCall's goal is to raise the quality and standards of any audio conversation. SoliCall stands for communicating better by improving existing means of communication on any platform. www.solicall.com

About Flashphoner
Flashphoner project was founded in 2009 by a groups of professionals in web development.
Flashphoner team has a strong background in the field of design and development web-video platforms and voice browser solutions. www.flashphoner.com


Tags: echo, Flash, Flashphoner, noise, PBXMate

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