Flavio Cattaneo ranked top Italian chief by All Europe Executive Team

Flavio Cattaneo, the top Italian chief executive within the utilities sector in the "2010 All Europe Executive Team" U.S. ranking of the best CEO's.

Flavio Cattaneo is the top Italian chief executive within the utilities sector according to European and American investors and the fifth among the best in the field according to financial analysts. The Italian daily Corriere della Sera wrote that Flavio Cattaneo, who has been at the head of Terna since November 2005, has earned the admiration of the financial world in the ranking of national and international leading executives who operate primarily in the energy sector.

The data are derived from the "2010 All Europe Executive Team" survey prepared by the "Institutional Investor" U.S. financial magazine which interviewed about 1,750 analysts and managers of American and European funds within the October 2009 and January 2010 timeframe.

This is an important result for Terna. Although it ranks number 16 in terms of market capitalization in the utilities index, Terna, in fact, performs better than other larger companies that have a greater international presence. And the data announced yesterday, continued the Corriere, regarding Terna's operations within the first three months of 2010 which have exceeded analysts' expectations, appear to reflect, based on the numbers, the appreciation of the international financial community.


Tags: best ceo, europe executive team, flavio cattaneo

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