Flavio Cattaneo received the "EEI International Utility Award" in London

Terna appointed by EEI as the best European Utility. Flavio Cattaneo received the prestigious award from EEI President Thomas Kuhn.

Terna is the best European company of the last three years, according to returns. This was announced today by the "EEI International Utility Award" that recognized the Italian Terna as the best company among European Utilities for total return of shares during the last three years.

In the period under consideration, from December 29 , 2006 to December 31, 2009, Terna's share return stood at +40%, achieving a net overperfomance (nearly 55 percentage points) compared to the European sector that registered -15%.

Today in London, CEO Flavio Cattaneo received this prestigious award from EEI President Thomas Kuhn, with the following explanation: "Terna was able to combine its core regulated activities with a strong entrepreneurial approach also in other sectors. The Company was indeed capable to increase the value of its Brazilian operations that were sold at a substantial premium in 2009".

The International Utility Award represents another recognition for Terna that ended 2009 as the best company among the European Utilities proving to be an outstanding example for the results obtained through the strategy implemented by the current management.

"Today we received an important recognition for all those who work at Terna and we are particularly proud of it; it allows us to look ahead to the future in a positive way - stated CEO, Flavio Cattaneo. I wish to thank all my colleagues who contribute every day, together with myself, to the increase of the company's value, to the safe management of the Italian electricity grid and to the development of this fundamental infrastructure for the Country".

The news was reported by Terna web magazine "Notizie tra le linee".


Tags: flavio cattaneo, terna, utility award

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