Flevy Launches "Bevy" of Premium Business Documents

Flevy, the online marketplace for premium business documents, announced today the official launch of flevy.com.

Flevy - the online marketplace for buyers and sellers of premium business documents announced today the launch of their new Flevy.com website.

Leaping beyond ordinary business forms and template websites, Flevy.com offers both buyers and sellers access to high level business planning and execution documents. Flevy.com significantly reduces the complexity and time consuming nature of document generation by providing financial models, editable presentations, and other pre-built business documents.

Users easily navigate through several business categories, such as Corporate Strategy or Risk Management, to locate and procure like-minded documents that can be customized to fit their exact needs. The uniqueness of Flevy.com is the ability for sellers to monetize their otherwise idle presentation work and transform it into passive income.

"Bringing together professionals from around the world to exchange complex business documents is one of those breakthrough web moments," comments Flevy.com's founder and chief executive David Tang. "For example, think of the amount of hours, if not days, it takes one professional to create a cost drivers analysis PowerPoint presentation. With Flevy.com, the working parameters are already complete. Simply download and edit the document to fit your specific needs and you are ready to go."

While in its early stages, Flevy.com has already attracted many high level professionals that wish to procure and sell different business documents. Whether it's for work in energy, financial services, healthcare, management consulting, manufacturing or any other market sector, Flevy.com offers multiple document solutions.

About Flevy.com:
Based in Manhattan, New York, Flevy.com is the marketplace for premium business documents. Eliminating redundancies via professional models and presentation materials, Flevy.com accommodates both sellers and buyers. For more, please visit www.flevy.com.

Media Contact - Gerry Henesy - 203-210-5578 **** [email protected]


Tags: business presentations, documents, financial models

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Gerry Henesy
Press Contact, Connecticut Yankee Associates
Connecticut Yankee Associates
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