Flight of the Sorceress

New Novel Raises The Question: "Are We On The Cusp Of A Second Dark Age?"

A newly-published historical novel, The Flight of the Sorceress, by attorney/author Barry S. Willdorf tells the story of the plight of two women caught up in the great changes that accompanied the fall of the Roman Empire and which lead to the Dark Ages,implicitly asking the question whether something similar might be occurring now.

The Historical Novel Review has described it as: "meticulously researched...beautifully portrayed....Willdorf's prose brings the moment alive. The themes...in this book, of prejudice and power, are deftly interwoven with the beliefs of the time. The conflict manages to educate and compel at the same time...you can't help but feel for these women...so grossly over-matched but who still do not give up. "...a rare look at a time and place not often seen in historical fiction and ... will keep you turning the pages!"

James Warner, host and co-producer of InsideStoryTime, voted SF Weekly BEST NEW READING SERIES 2006 called it "A stirring adventure tale that is also a timely warning."

Further information (including a video trailer) about this unique window on a period ignored by most writers of historical fiction is available by Googling "The Flight of the Sorceress. The novel is available now as an e-Book and can be instantly downloaded from the publisher, Wild Child Publishing for $5.95.


Tags: book burning, Dark Ages, heresy, libraries, war against women

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Barry Willdorf
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