Flood Relief Expansion by Landmark Earth Solutions For Coastal Areas Continues for 2014

Flood mitigation relief and earth stabilization solutions will continue for community leaders, business and homeowners in dangerous USA coastal areas. TOLL-FREE Number available.

Responding to a growing interest by the public to stay ahead of rapidly rising water from hurricanes, severe storms and in the near term Winter melting snow, Georgia-based Landmark Earth Solutions plans to continue business offering flood mitigation relief and earth stabilization solutions to potentially dangerous coastal areas beginning in 2014.

"The recent experiences in Colorado, Kentucky, North Carolina, West Virginia Louisiana and Tennessee have led to our decision to continue to go into areas where we have the opportunity to help the most," said Bart Daniel, Landmark Earth Solutions President.

During 2013 the company was saving lives and property in Colorado near the Waldo Canyon Colorado burn area.

"We were able to save homes, businesses and community facilities," said Daniel.

"According to our customers, the flood prevention systems we installed have been very effective," Daniel said. "Our trapezoid design resonates with people and they are pleased with the performance."

"It was really a proud moment for us when we saved the Alpine Autism Center in Colorado Springs," he said. "The center was in the direct path of water flowing from the Waldo Canyon burn scar."

The system to be used in coastal regions by Landmark is rapidly deployable and a patented alternative to sandbags for flood control and de-watering applications. "Our new RIBSCage will be available in 2014," Daniel said.

"In a big storm, water still comes down or up but the system blocks the water and sediment," Daniel said.

"It definitely helped with our fears of being flooded and they did a great job," said Tana Rice, Operations Manager, Alpine Autism Center.

Unlike sandbags, the Rapidly Installation Barrier System (RIBS) are filled with native materials, sand and decomposed granite. "You don't have to haul in fill material," said Anne Mallett of Mallett Excavating, the company that did the Colorado installation.


"We know that folks probably aren't thinking about the risks coming next spring or summer, but really, based on our experience, now is the best time to plan and get ready for the potential destructive combination from melting snow, abundant rain and flash floods," Daniel said.

To add to Daniel's point, the trend for more bad weather is on the horizon, according to the National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center. 2014 remains an elevated "precipitation outlook" which translates into the potential for additional coastal and low-lying area destruction, according to the NWSCPC.

"No one wants a repeat of 2011's spring and summer, when communities, businesses and homes were caught off-guard by natural disasters, said Daniel. "We will offer a TOLL-FREE number for communities, businesses and home owners in 2014," Daniel said. The number is: 1-888-574-6473.

New states planned for expansion: Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas. "We will continue to expand in Louisiana, North Carolina and Tennessee," Daniel said. "We have hired a public relations and marketing firm to assist with building awareness of our products and services in this important region of our nation," Daniel said.

In addition, US coastal cities remain in danger as sea levels rise faster than expected, according to research conducted by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

"The faster sea-level rise means the authorities will have to take even more ambitious measures to protect low-lying population centers or risk exposing millions more people to a destructive combination of storm surges on top of sea-level rise," scientists said.
Geoscientists at Rutgers and Tufts Universities estimate that the New Jersey shore, for example, will likely experience a sea-level rise of about 1.5 feet by the year 2050, and about 3.5 feet by 2100.

Not all floods are alike, according to emergency management officials. And with the damaging currents of water, floods can carry rocks, mud and debris.

"For these reasons, the best defense against flooding is one that can be executed quickly," said Daniel.

The Hydraulics Lab at Colorado State University conducted product research.


Every year, homes and businesses are destroyed by rising floodwaters. "From a total-cost perspective, our flood control solutions efficiently address problems faced during critical situations," said Daniel. "Because emergencies don't wait for ideal conditions."

"By continuing to expand in the coastal market, we're showing our commitment to provide a performance tested product to those who need it the most," said Daniel.

Daniel has more than 60 miles of inventory, a multi-million dollar commitment, available for 2014 to use near coastlines where rising water levels from wind-driven waves and storm surges can occur. "Our systems provide unbeatable protection for property and roads," he said.

In Colorado, flooding has become one of the top natural hazards due to fires the previous two years in El Paso and Teller County.

The El Paso County Assessor's Office estimated $2 million dollars in damages as a result of an August 2013 assessment. Colorado governor John Hickenlooper said on a tour of Manitou Springs, a community that was hit hard by the floods, "I can't guarantee what's going to happen two weeks from now."


RIBS - Rapid Installation Barrier System

Evaluated at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, Mississippi, RIBS is a rapidly deployed, patented alternative to sandbags for flood control and de-watering applications.

With installation rates up to 30 times faster than standard barriers, RIBS trapezoidal design resists water flow while providing a stable barricade against severe weather events and the threat of encroaching waters.

Woven, reinforced polypropylene fabric bags 2, 4 and 6 feet in height are loaded with sand, dirt or gravel with a special trailer that deploys bags as other bags are added and filled.

RIBS can be used instead of sandbags in flood control, to restrict water flow and erosion on beaches and riverbeds, and for containment measures on construction and mining sites.


RIBSCage is a portable, easy-to-use system for the filling and installation of RIBS Bags. RIBSCage units can be transported with a standard pickup truck, so they require no heavy machinery.

Benefits & Features

--Lightweight design requires only two (2) people to carry and set up.

--Quick-release wings guide fill and provide easy release when full.

--Each RIBSCage is comprised of only two pieces for easy assembly, removal, and storage.

Pre-packed Emergency Kits are available in 3', 4', and 6' heights.

Pre-packed Emergency Kits

Emergency Kits come pre-packed with assembly/use instructions, two (2) RIBSCage units, and 500 linear feet (LF) or 200 LF of RIBS Bags. Each kit is wrapped in a protective sleeve, so it can be stored until time of use.

Additional facts to consider:

One 50' RIBS Bag = 3,900 sandbags

One mile of coverage = 105.6 RIBS bags vs. 411,840 sandbags

One mile of coverage, man hours = 106 with RIBS vs. 15,840 with sandbags

About Landmark Earth Solutions:
(more at: http://www.erosion-management.com)
Landmark Earth Solutions, Inc. is a subsidiary of Leggett & Platt, Inc.

The company, founded in 2010, offers force protection, flood and erosion control and earth management products featuring the latest scientific and technological advances to provide the most reliable, cost-effective products on the market today.

Landmark's core strategy is to optimize strengths in engineering, manufacturing, and product development while targeting early stage, developing technologies.

1275 Shiloh Rd NW, Suite 2020
Kennesaw, GA 30144

For information on products and services: 888.574.6473

Media Contact:
perini & associates (719) 651-5943 (office and cell)

See more at: http://www.periniassociates.com


Tags: coastal flooding, containment measures, erosion, Floods, food control, how to, Landmark Earth Solutions, sandbags

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Bart Daniels
Press Contact, Landmark Earth Solutions
Landmark Earth Solutions
1275 Shiloh Rd NW
Suite 2020
United States