Florida Dental Implants| Tooth Replacement | Dental Implants

Perio implant unique dental implant design and its revolutionary clinical techniques have passed the test of time and continue to lead implant dentistry. perio-implant institute offers many clinical benefits including short implants, Tooth Replacemen

Dr. Rosenberg graduated from New York University College of Dentistry, and received his post doctoral training in Periodontology at the University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Medicine, and Boston University, School of Medicine, Division of Graduate Training, Department of Stomatology. During Dr. Marvin Rosenberg's residency program, he was a research fellow at the National Institutes of Health, Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the Division of Dental Research.

Following Dr. Marvin Rosenberg's completion of his post doctoral training and research projects, he established practices limited to Periodontology in West Palm Beach and Boca Raton, Florida, and over the years grew the practice to its current group of seven periodontists, that is known as the Florida Institute For Periodontics and Dental Implants. Dr. Marvin Rosenberg held appointments as Visiting Associate Professor(at the), Boston University School of Dentistry; Adjunct Professor, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania; and Associate Professor and Founding Director of Advanced Education in Periodontics, Nova Southeastern University, College of Dental Medicine.

Dr. Marvin Rosenberg is a Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology; member of OKU Honorary Dental Fraternity; Fellow, American College of Dentists; Fellow, International College of Dentists; Consultant, United States Army Periodontal Residency, Fort Gordon, Augusta, Georgia; founder and former President, Florida Association of Periodontists; founder and former President, Periodontal-Prosthetic Study Club of the Palm Beaches; and past Director, American Academy of Periodontology.

Dr. Marvin Rosenberg is a member of the American Dental Association, Florida Dental Association Florida Association of Periodontists, and American Academy of Periodontology. He is an internationally recognized clinician, lecturer, author, and educator. He has published numerous articles in peer review dental journals, chapters in textbooks, and is the senior author of a widely used textbook which was published by Quintessence Publishing Company in 1988 in four languages, Periodontal and Prosthetic Management of Advanced Cases.


Tags: gum graft, implant dentures, mini-implants, Periodontist

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