Florida International Trading Sends First Shipment of Beef to China

Florida International Trading has begun shipments of American beef from Greater Omaha Packing to FIT's distribution outlets in China. A shipment of Ribeyes, Striploins and Short Ribs have arrived at the airport now on its way to distribution points in Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan, Hunan and Zhejiang. Customers include restaurants, hotels, supermarkets and warehouses for Internet sales.

Florida International Trading (FIT) has begun shipments of American beef to its distribution outlets in China. A shipment of Ribeyes, Striploins and Short Ribs have arrived at the airport in Guangzhou and is now on its way to distribution points in Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan, Guangdong, Hunan, Liaoning, and Zhejiang. Customers include restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, wholesalers, and warehouses for e-commerce sales.

Kelly Wical, president of U.S. operations for FIT, said, "We are proud to add great American beef to our distribution network in China. Our first shipment worked flawlessly, and additional shipments via container ships to the Port of Guangzhou are now under way."

Joe Cashman, FIT's vice president of sales, said, "Our first shipment was beef from Greater Omaha Packing in Nebraska, the first to arrive at the airport in Guangzhou. They have been great to work with and we are now increasing our quantities."

Greater Omaha's Senior Director Export Sales and Marketing Jerry Wiggs said, "This is FIT's first shipment of beef to arrive in China, and included various cuts of steak. We are excited to see Florida International Trading executing the shipping and export/import processes well. Their distribution network is a welcome addition to our return to China. This will be the first of many shipments for FIT."

Don Yao, CEO and president of FIT's China operations, said, "FIT operates a distribution network throughout China, and is looking to offer more cuts of beef, offal and veal to our customers. We see a lot of internet for U.S. beef products and are set up to deliver."

In June, USDA announced final details concerning export requirements to resume beef shipments to China. FIT is one of the first companies to complete these requirements and begin shipping.


Tags: beef, china, export, Florida International Trading, Greater Omaha Packing, Naples FL, USMEF

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