Flu-Season Defense: Doctor Advises, Eat These 3 Holiday Immune-Boosting Foods To Stay Healthy
Online, November 12, 2013 (Newswire.com) - Given that flu season and the holiday season go hand in hand, people are justifiably worried about getting sick. If they don't watch it, they can end up on the couch, missing out on all the merrymaking.
Dr. Rosenbaum allays these fears by revealing a powerful and natural way to shore up their internal defenses. Simply by eating immune-boosting foods, people can reduce their risk of getting sick dramatically.
"Along with the joy and comfort, the holidays bring some of the worst things for your health - stress, too much sugar, late nights, travel and the flu virus," acknowledges Rosenbaum. "However, certain foods are proven to boost immune health. What people eat can impact their immune system's responsiveness and strength. In fact how you feast might just determine whether or not you spend a week on the couch fighting the flu instead of celebrating."
Before advising which foods to eat for immune strength, Dr. Rosenbaum first warns people off of a big immune-buster - sugar. Sugar drops immune system strength down to all-time lows. It only takes about 75 grams of sugar (about two cans of soda's worth) to decrease white blood cells' ability to attack and destroy invading bacteria. And even worse, these immune-busting effects last for several hours after the sugar is eaten.
However, by moderating sugar intake and increasing portions of the following foods, people can make this risk negligible.
"Cranberries are on every holiday table and sometimes found decorating the Christmas tree," notes Dr. Rosenbaum. "While we usually associate these cheery berries with fighting urinary tract infections, they also have a mounting pile of evidence behind their immune boosting power. Research conducted at the University of Florida at Gainesville Food and Nutrition Institute showed that after just 8 weeks of eating them regularly, these bright little fruits enhanced immune cells and primed them to be ready to defend you."
When it comes to bright-colored foods, Dr. Rosenbaum also recommends eating good portions of the squash or pumpkins. These vegetables are high in beta carotene which the body turns into Vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a key role in helping immune system cells differentiate, making the immune system more responsive and sophisticated.
Finally, Dr. Rosenbaum always supplements his holiday feasting with regular consumption of the bright green algae, chlorella.
"I never go through a day without taking chlorella - especially during the stressful holidays and winter season - because it gives you such a solid foundation for keeping your immune system strong," says Dr. Rosenbaum. "Chlorella gives you more beta carotene ounce per ounce than most vitamin-A rich foods. It's a rich source of defense fortifying beta-glucans. And research demonstrates it supports your immune health in multiple ways."
For more information or to read the entire article and find out about 2 additional immune-boosting foods, please go to https://www.sunchlorellausa.com/blog/defend-yourself-these-5-holiday-foods-boost-immune-system-health-0
About Dr. Michael E. Rosenbaum
Dr. Michael E. Rosenbaum is a 35-year veteran and widely recognized pioneer in the field of nutritional medicine, alternative healthcare and medical acupuncture. As one of America's most respected experts in natural health and healing, Dr. Rosenbaum has been a frequent lecturer to professional medical groups and has participated in numerous television and radio talk shows. He is also an esteemed member of the Sun Chlorella Advisory Board, which helps guide the medical innovation behind Sun Chlorella products.
About Sun Chlorella USA
Sun Chlorella USA offers the finest quality chlorella products for anti-aging, weight maintenance, energy, heart, brain & digestive system, as well as overall health and wellness for both people and pets. Want to learn more health secrets? Get a free copy of our report, "Why Didn't My Doctor Tell Me About This?!" This eye-opening report, created by 5 pioneering natural health experts, reveal nutritional secrets that can change your life. Go to https://sunchlorellausa.com/why-didnt-my-doctor-tell-me-about to get a copy. Also, for special offers, news and updates, follow us on Twitter at @sunchlorellausa or 'Like' us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SunChlorella.
Tags: foods that boost immune system, Immune boosting foods, immune system