Flyfishermen Aim to Protect Colombia's Rivers With New Documentary

New documentary Showcases Importance of Protecting Key Ecosystems in Colombia's Amazon and Orinoco River Basins
The Path of the Jaguar

A new documentary film led Jose David Bravo and a group of renowned fly fishermen aims to protect Colombia's key jungle river ecosystems, hidden from the outside world for the past 50 years by the country's long-standing armed conflict. The overarching goal of the film is to inspire a new perception of Colombia as one of the world's richest and most diverse ecosystems that must be preserved for future generations.

The filmmakers also hope to inspire new, sustainable local economies that harness eco-tourism and provide long-term sources of revenue for local communities while protecting the health of these vibrant ecosystems. The distribution plan includes presenting the documentary to various organizations, from government agencies and non-profits to fishing associations and local community groups.

In January 2017, this group of anglers undertook a breathtaking journey deep into the Amazonian divide to document the pristine river systems that have been untouched by mainstream commercial exploitation for the past 50 years, largely due to Colombia's long-standing conflict with the FARC.  Now that the peace treaty has been signed, these same ecosystems are left unprotected from the destructive practices of illegal mining, hunting, and commercial fishing and logging.

The filmmakers have set up a Kickstarter campaign where people can support the project. The deadline to fund the project is April 24, and the funds will support post-production.

Title: The Path of the Jaguar
Expected length: 12-20 minutes
Expected completion: June 2017
Director: Jose Bravo
Narrator: Bryan Carmody
Facebook Page
Kickstarter page:


  • Name on the film credits
  • Fishing Flies
  • They will plant a tree on his name
  • Fishing trips in Colombian jungles

Andres Parra - Email:
Daniel Herrera - Phone: +57 312 386 0423 - Email:
Jose Bravo - Email:
Bryan  Carmody-  312-656-8440

Source: Colombia Wild and Conservationist Films


Tags: adventure, fishing, fly fishing, guerrilla, jungle, nature, war

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