Folklore & Hay House Radio Reinforcing Good Vibes for 2018

Hay House Radio App

Making a New Year’s resolution is a great way to start off the year, but for many people, sticking with those resolutions can be quite the challenge. According to U.S. News, by mid-February, about 80% of set resolutions have been abandoned. So it is about this time of year where reinforcements can help get you back on track. Folklore’s latest app redesign work for Hay House Radio makes living your best life easy and could be just the tool you need.

While Hay House Radio is known for providing empowering and uplifting guidance from their leading experts in personal development, spirituality, and wellness, they wanted their app to better align with their overall offering and strengthen their connection with listeners.

The positive reception from our listeners has been fantastic.

Tiffini Alberto, Hay House Radio - Director of Web Marketing & Development

Taking a cue from the product offering, Folklore started by listening. The first step Folklore took was interviewing and surveying current listeners to better understand what they were looking for in an app redesign. Leveraging those insights, Folklore worked hand-in-hand with the Hay House team to create a more streamlined navigation, a simplified and enhanced calendar and gave users easier access to their favorite hosts and shows. In addition to enhancing the user experience, the new app increased reliability and functionality. But best of all, listeners have loved the improvements.

“The positive reception from our listeners has been fantastic," said Tiffini Alberto, Hay House Radio's Director of Web Marketing & Development. “Almost immediately, users began commenting that was exactly what they needed to support their journey of personal growth. It was an honor to collaborate with a team that shares the desire of using technology to create a positive impact in our everyday lives."

Keep your 2018 on the right track by checking out the app on either Apple or Android marketplaces.

Source: Hay House Radio


Tags: App, business transformation, design, development, digital

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Folklore is a digital experience company, specializing in premium website, product and app branding, strategy, design and development. Folklore works with companies big and small across multiple verticals to create legendary experiences.

Maggie LaNasa
Director of Strategy, Folklore
319 1st Ave N (Suite 300)
Minneapolis, MN 55401
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