Following California's Ban on Rodenticides, EcoClear Offers Safe, Non-Toxic Alternatives to Poisons

EcoClear offers effective rodent control products that are safe for use around people and animals, meaning there is no risk of secondary poisoning of other wildlife.

EcoClear Products Inc., a leader in innovative cleaning and pest control solutions, offers effective, non-toxic pest control, underscoring a dedication to producing effective rodent and insect control products that are safe for use around people, pets, and wildlife. These products are particularly relevant in light of the new California bill banning anticoagulant rodent poisons. 

In late September, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that California would become the first state to ban highly toxic rat poisons, which have resulted in the deaths of both endangered and protected wild animals, including mountain lions and birds of prey. The poisons are known to travel up the food chain, causing secondary harm to other animals (beyond the initial rodent that consumed the poison). 

"We fully support California's Assembly Bill 1788, which takes a step toward reducing risk to pets and wildlife," says Christopher Stidd, President of EcoClear Products. "EcoClear is proud to provide safer alternatives to traditional rodent 'poisons,' and we are here to meet the requests of more conscious consumers with our products, which are safe to use around people, pets, wildlife, and livestock. These products carry no risk of secondary kill, meaning they can be used indoors or outdoors without harming pets or wildlife."

EcoClear performs rigorous testing to ensure product effectiveness and safety and is FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) Approved, which is an FDA designation given to chemicals or substances added to food considered safe by experts. EcoClear also specializes in FIFRA class 25(b) products exempt from EPA Registrations; products under the 25(b) category are safe for people, pets, and wildlife.

Source: EcoClear Products


Tags: assembly bill 1799, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, pest control, poison free, rodent control, rodenticide

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EcoClear Products, Inc is a leader in innovative cleaning and pest control solutions, designed to be safer alternatives to traditional cleaners and pesticides.

Natural Product Holdings
5581 Broadcast Ct
Sarasota, FL 12345
United States