Food Productivity Guide to Enhance Productivity and Increase Profits

Expert measuring, weighing and inspection advice in a 100 page guide

METTLER TOLEDO has published a comprehensive Food Productivity Guide for all food and beverage manufacturers. Developed as a food process and equipment selection reference tool, each section of the Guide provides valuable insights and best practice with the potential to significantly improve a company's bottom line.

Topics covered include filling, batching, checkweighing, and inspection techniques such as x-ray, metal detection and final product package vision. "Weighing and measuring are crucial in many of these process steps. Selecting the right technology and inspection methods-and making sure they can be easily integrated into a company's existing MES/ERP systems-are key to increased efficiency and therefore bigger profit margins," noted Urs Berli, Market Manager Food, METTLER TOLEDO.

The 14-topic, cross-referenced Guide supports a manufacturer's ability to make informed assessments of what it is doing that works-as well as determine when a capital investment may be the best bet for further process enhancement. Key weighing, inspection, and measuring-based process optimization benefits include more precise material transfer, efficient tracking & tracing, reproducible formulation & batching, consistent filling, and increased throughput in both automated and manual processes.

Advice includes:
• How to reduce bad batches and assure consistent product taste through traceable PC-guided formulation
• ROI calculation tools to assess potential savings by reduced waste and minimized product giveaway
• How to speed up manual portioning processes
• Enhanced foreign body detection to reduce food safety risks and protect profits through fewer consumer complaints and legal threats
• Optimize throughput and uptime in vehicle weighing
• Consistent, sustainable weighing precision and higher uptime via appropriate calibration and performance check procedures

"With the Guide's comprehensive nature, it is METTLER TOLEDO's intention to support food manufacturing operations large and small to realize benefits through increased productivity, consumer satisfaction and profits," Mr. Berli said.

Order the free METTLER TOLEDO Food Productivity Guide today at

METTLER TOLEDO specializes in the area of precision instruments for professional use. METTLER TOLEDO laboratory instruments are used in research, scientific, drug discovery, and quality control labs, amongst many others in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetics industries. METTLER TOLEDO comprehensive industrial solutions cover the various steps in a host of manufacturing processes at many of the same customers that laboratory serves. Solutions range from receiving raw materials through various manufacturing processes, in-line process control and end-of-line packaging control, to logistics and shipping. Increasingly, these solutions are fully integrated into the customer's IT environment, helping automate their workflows. In food retail, our offering for fresh food management ranges from receiving and pre-packaging, to in-store solutions for self-service departments, deli counters, and checkout terminals.


Tags: equipment selection reference to, fi, food and beverage manufacturers, food process, Food Productivity, Food Productivity Guide, Guide, productivity

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Petter Taerbe
Press Contact, Mettler-Toledo International Inc.
Mettler-Toledo International Inc.
Im Langacher
Zurich, Switzerland