For New and Old Fitness Enthusiasts, These Workout Articles Might Help You Stay on Top of Your Game
Online, January 9, 2012 ( - Do you ever get nauseous after working out? There are a number of reasons why someone might get nauseous after working out including having low blood sugar and exercising on a full stomach. Low blood sugar occurs when your body's store of glycogen runs out. Glycogen is a form of sugar stored inside your muscles and your liver which is released as necessary to supply fuel to the rest of your body during physical exercise. If you participate in early morning workout sessions, it is likely that your body has used up its store of glycogen overnight and it will need to be replenished. Ways to replenish this loss of metabolic fuel include treating yourself to an energy drink or a cup of juice between meals. It is unnecessary to eat a full meal to get back the energy you have lost and doing so may actually be counterproductive. You want to keep your caloric intake low so that you can optimise your workout.
In addition, it is inadvisable to exercise on a full stomach. After you consume a meal, your body's main priority is to ensure that the meal is digested. Digesting food requires a lot of your body's resources, including blood which transports nutrients from the gut and distributes them to the rest of the body. Allow yourself at least an hour and a half from the point where you consume a meal to the point where you begin your workout. Your stomach will thank you!
You may also get nauseous after working out if your workout is too intense. Do not overexert yourself and attempt to exercise to the point where you feel dehydrated or exhausted. After working out for a while and having a certain regimen, you should be familiar enough with your body to know when you are pushing yourself too hard and when it is time to back off. You want to make sure that you give your body an intense workout, but not one so intense that it will knock you out of commission.
What are the benefits of morning exercise? This physical fitness article on touches upon the importance of morning exercise. Whether it's going for a jog, doing some light weight lifting, or walking around the neighbourhood, morning exercise is a wonderful way to start the day. Also, by working out in the morning and making it your first priority, you cannot use procrastination as an excuse.
Exercising in the morning will give your body a much needed boost after several hours of restful sleep. Your body's release of endorphins will leave you feeling energised and positive. Fifteen minutes is usually enough time to allot for your morning workout, and it does not need to be intense. As with all exercising, one of the added benefits of morning exercise is that it will help cut down on your stress level. For individuals in high-stress jobs, going for a short walk every morning can drastically cut down on the stress level they experience throughout the day.
If you want to burn excess fat, exercising in the morning before you eat a healthy breakfast is a good goal to set. This enables your metabolism to focus on eating away at the fat in your body to fuel your workout. This is a great way to kick-start your body in the morning and get your day off to a good, positive start.
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