For Those Searching for Wellness in Weight Loss, Financial Education Benefits Center Encourages a More Holistic Viewpoint

SAN RAMON, Calif., May 14, 2018 ( - Many seekers of the ever-elusive state of “wellness” may conflate that state of well-being with weight loss. More and more experts are advising folks not to do so, especially if their version of wellness includes a super-restrictive diet with weight loss in mind. Instead, experts are looking to address wellness in a more holistic way, including with approaches to nutrition. Financial Education Benefits Center (FEBC), a membership benefits company, encourages this holistic approach to wellness in general.
“Wellness is going to look different for everyone, including what they eat and how they eat,” said Jennifer Martinez, manager at FEBC. “We encourage people to focus on their own needs instead of focusing on what’s popular or in right now.”
FEBC's benefits address a wide variety of needs through great discounts and connecting members with trusted services. We're happy to offer members such a diverse set of benefits, including those that may help improve their well-being.
Jennifer Martinez, Manager at FEBC
While weight loss and special diets are often thought of as women’s domain — indeed, research has shown that women are more likely to go on a diet — dieting may be more and more culturally acceptable for men these days, too. Rumors have it that even Prince Harry is on a restrictive diet to slim down before his wedding. But just because men are also jumping on the dieting bandwagon doesn’t mean it’s all healthy.
Restrictive diets may trigger cravings and fixations on food that make a person anxious and potentially more likely to overeat, thus nullifying the reason for dieting in the first place. Some experts are telling would-be dieters to focus on balanced, healthful eating, but still enjoy all kinds of food — even sometimes unabashedly eating food that may be deemed “unhealthy.”
FEBC members who are looking to approach wellness and weight from a more holistic point of view might take advantage of the wellness-related benefits offered to members of various plan levels. Benefits available include savings and services related to health and wellness, such as discounts on alternative medicine therapies, telehealth services, and more.
FEBC encourages connecting with a health professional to address health from a holistic, personalized point of view and advises anyone embarking on a new way of eating to consult an expert. Of course, people with specific medical conditions may have special dietary needs that cannot be addressed without a professional.
“FEBC’s benefits address a wide variety of needs through great discounts and connecting members with trusted services,” said Martinez. “We’re happy to offer members such a diverse set of benefits, including those that may help improve their well-being.”
About Financial Education Benefits Center
Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The membership company has already helped thousands save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially healthy life.
Financial Education Benefits Center has partnered with several name brand third-party companies to expand the financial and educational products and services available to its members and to provide a variety of wellness services as well.
Financial Education Benefits Center Newsroom
To learn more about Financial Education Benefits Center, please contact:
Financial Education Benefits Center
2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100
San Ramon, CA 94583
[email protected]
Source: Financial Education Benefits Center
Tags: healthy living, holistic health, mental wellness, wellness