Foreclosure, LIBOR Scandal & Bank Specialty Attorney Referral Agency Fights Back

Finally there is an attorney referral service that helps people locate contingency fee based attorneys who will sue banks on contingency for wrongful foreclosure and LIBOR manipulation fraud.

Foreclosure & Bank Specialty Attorney Referral Agency Fights Back

As the commercial real estate market continues to be in a slump and foreclosures continue to shape the future, one firm is helping clients that have been wrongfully foreclosed. Boutique Bank found a niche in locating foreclosed borrowers that may have been wronged by a bank and wrongfully foreclosed and the agency refers them to a small network of specialty Contingency Fee Attorney’s that are more then willing to sue a financial institution for many reasons. This specialty Attorney Referral Agency also hooks up commercial borrowers that may have had a LIBOR based mortgage and matches them with an attorney who will agree to sue the sixteen Panel Banks involved in the un-going LIBOR scandal also on contingency.

Attorney Referral Service Specializing in helping wrongfully foreclosed borrowers or those having had a LIBOR mortgage locate a contingency fee based attorney.

Val Sklarov

The company founder is 51 year old Mr. Val Sklarov is very sympathetic to many borrowers that may have been ripped off by banks and lost their entire fortunes. He himself lost properties to wrongful foreclosures and decided to fight back and he won. He states that “most people can't afford and don't have the means to sue banks by paying hourly attorney rates. Litigation can last years and can cost mid six figures and yet there are highly competent litigation attorneys who are lacking business and they themselves don't have a lover affair with banks. Herein is an opportunity to seek justice and refer a client to a Contingency Fee Attorney who is also looking for clients”.

Mr.Sklarov believes that banks have been getting away with committing fraud and getting away with it. “They think that they are invincible and can deceive their customers and that most people can't afford to fight their army of expensive attorneys”. 

Another specialty area Mr.Sklarov is focusing on is the LIBOR scandal litigation. He claims that he himself has borrowed in the area of $100 in loans over the years tied to LIBOR. Because LIBOR scandal is still ongoing, Mr. Sklarov states that 1% manipulation and increase in interest rates just over the course of 1 year is a whopping $1 million dollars. So if the LIBOR rate was manipulated by 5% in a year, that's a loss to me of $5 million and Mr.Sklarov is irate over it. He states “I was probably swindled for tens of millions over the years and I'm very upset over the thought that I overpaid and lost properties due to manipulated interest rates and I'm going to do something about it in the court of law and also try to help others by telling them that there are Contingency Fee attorneys that will help you take these banks on”.  

The Internet is abundant with articles on the LIBOR scandal and law suits are repeatedly being brought against the Panel Banks. Mr.Sklarov is saying that people see his firm as providing a needy service,  “ similar to matching boys with girls” he jokes. “I am a matchmaker in every sense of the way” he exclaims giggling. Since attorneys can't solicit for clients and clients don't know how to locate Contingency Fee attorneys, he believes that his service is much needed. 

The firm employs no attorneys and is not considered a law firm. The firm does not provide legal advice nor does it sue the banks. The firms referral service will locate contingency fee attorneys who will determine if the borrower has a  legal case to sue the banks, “and the rest is between the  borrower and the attorney as we served our purpose”. The attorney will then decide if suit will be filed. 

While the attorney referral business is not new, few if any attorney  referral  agency's focus on 

complex financial matters. His agency claims to have many attorneys in its referral network willing to jump at the opportunity to sue big banks for potential windfall in fees while obtaining  huge settlements for their clients.

Mr. Sklarov believes that the secret in litigating against the bank is for his Network  Attorney to fully understand how the bank may have wronged their client and to initiate discovery and depositions. When the bank knows that the suit is focusing at the heart of the banks wrongdoing and that information will leak out, the bank will not want to provide discovery or attend depositions. That's when the banks are likely to settle. Mr.Sklarov states that there is no shortage of very eager attorneys across the country that are awaiting clients to be referred by his firm.

“It's gratifying to seek justice” Mr.Sklarov finished saying.

For further information see Boutique Bank

These days Mr. Val Sklarov is president of, an attorney referral agency that seeks out clients that have or had LIBOR based mortgages or were wrongfully defauled by a bank and are in need of a contingency fee attorney. He can be reached at [email protected]


Tags: FDIC Panel Banks, FDIC Suit, LIBOR, LIBOR Fraud, LIBOR Manipulation, LIBOR Scandal, Panel Banks