Forever Hope Agency to Host Charity Fundraiser to Benefit Greater Chicago Food Depository at Trans Lux Energy

Forever Hope Agency in conjunction with it's sponsors Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Trans Lux Energy, J and L Catering, Red Moon Productions, CH Distillery, S&S Records, Ear Hustle 411, Kincaide and Associates TFC, Lady Glows Delights, and m Square, will host a fundraiser to benefit the Greater Chicago Food Depository on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at the Trans Lux Energy.

Forever Hope Agency to Host Charity Fundraiser to Benefit Greater Chicago Food Depository at Trans Lux Energy 

Forever Hope Agency in conjunction with it’s sponsors Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Trans Lux Energy, J and L Catering, Red Moon Productions, CH Distillery, S&S Records, Ear Hustle 411, Kincaide and Associates TFC, Lady Glows Delights, and m Square, will host a fundraiser to benefit the Greater Chicago Food Depository on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at the Trans Lux Energy. The evening will include live music, live performances, and silent auction with local celebrities, dignitaries, and philanthropists uniting to provide relief and support to individuals where it counts most. This fundraiser will benefit Forever Hope Agency’s efforts to increase job readiness and training in underserved communities and contribute to the organization of a career fair scheduled for the end of summer 2015 TBD at the Best Western in Hillside IL. These socially responsible corporations, businesses, officials, and individuals are also coming together to raise awareness about hunger relief in the Greater Chicago Area as one of Forever Hopes Agency’s first step to improving the lives of the Citizens of Chicago one meal at a time.

With every breath of life there is HOPE.

Timothy, Director of Marketing

The evening’s festivities shall commence at 6:30 PM with music from five-time Grammy Award Nominee Steve Silk Hurley, Jameisha Trice, and DJ Johnny Bravo and food from J and L Catering and M Square while guests mingle in graceful surroundings and beautiful lights from Trans Lux Energy awaiting the silent/charity auction; artwork donated courtesy of visual artist and curator “Shala” and artist Damon Hilton. All proceeds will benefit Forever Hope Agency and Greater Chicago Food Depository.

Date:                   April 8, 2015                          

Location:            300 N Elizabeth Chicago IL                                       

Time:                   6:30-9:00 PM                      

Attire:                  Business Formal/ Evening Cocktail

To join us contact:

Mail checks payable to Forever Hope Agency NFP to:

2139 W Adams 2E

Chicago, IL 60612


Tags: career fair, ch distillery, charity, donation, dr pepper, dr pepper snapple group, ear hustle 411, Forever hope agency, fundraiser, greater chicago food depository, hunger, job fair