Forgetful Elephant Explains Dementia to Children

A beautifully written and illustrated story explaining dementia to small children in a touching way they can understand and interact with has been published this week on Amazon Kindle, following the print book.

A beautifully written and illustrated story explaining dementia to small children in a way they can understand has been published on Amazon Kindle this week as an eBook. "Grandpa forgets lots of things now. And sometimes he tells me the same story over and over again" says Ellie the young elephant. Mummy elephant gently explains why, and suggests how Ellie can help him.

Author Irene Mackay trained as a professional Home Support Worker with Alzheimer Scotland. Her Mum was diagnosed with Vascular Dementia some years ago, and is now in a care home. Questions asked by the young granddaughter of a dementia patient inspired Irene to write the book, to help families having to cope with the painful and complex adjustments needed when living with dementia.

"Having first-hand experience of this life-changing condition, I am passionate about raising awareness of memory loss. It can be difficult to explain to a small child what is happening to a grandparent, parent or sibling. This book shows how even the very young can maintain meaningful relationships with loved ones suffering from dementia," says Irene.

Irene's website gives practical advice, resources, and details of Ellie Sessions, Irene's interactive storytelling events in schools and in the community, with an opportunity for questions and answers. "Children ask the most amazing questions!" says Irene. "They deserve to know the truth, to remove the confusing mystery, and often fear, associated with the disease. My mission is to help families cope at this difficult time. I hope The Forgetful Elephant will improve the quality of life for those living with dementia."

The Forgetful Elephant written by Irene Mackay, illustrated by Barbara Dessi is available from:
[email protected]
Twitter: @IreneMackay1
Amazon links: ASIN: B00JCXVDVQ
Amazon UK:


Tags: Alzheimer's, explaining dementia to young chi, memory loss

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