Formaliti Introduces E-Signature Key Products and Services

Formaliti is a software that transforms businesses from paper-based to digital processes

Formaliti Limited has announced the launch of its key products and services that will help streamline business processes through electronic signatures solutions.  Formaliti software has three key types of services – e-signature software subscription, professional form authoring and design, and implementation services -- that are already available to small, mid and large businesses.    According to CEO Craig Wallace, Formaliti has developed and improved its system to respond to the electronic signature needs of customers.

“We are happy to announce that we have the ultimate solution to electronic signature needs.  We are confident that there will be profitable transformation in businesses that will embrace the benefits that the Formaliti software can provide.  Most businesses realise that paper-based processes are costly and time consuming.  What we have is revolutionary because we can transform business forms and the way they are managed by digitising them. And more importantly, we do the difficult setup work for our clients.

All your forms online. Signed. Shared. Secure. All you have to do is login.

Jessica, Writer

Those who have adopted Formaliti are happy with its ease of use and the time saved in their business activities.  Imagine a form that can be signed (using a touch screen device or computer), shared and that is secure!  We are also excited to announce that our expert support team can get customers up and running quickly and effortlessly by doing the hard leg work for them.  After we set them up, all the customers have to do is simply login to their Formaliti account and it will be ready to go,” adds Mr. Wallace.

Formaliti is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) that can be accessed anywhere at any time using any internet connected device.  Its ‘cloud’ feature makes it easy and convenient for business people on the run to facilitate transactions.  It speeds up sales and order fulfillment.  It also supports the ‘green’ management of forms, reducing the paper legacy and its contribution to the reduction of transaction costs on printing are archiving.

About Formaliti

Formaliti Limited provides electronic signature solutions in financial services, higher education and training, insurance, real estate, healthcare, hospitality, transport and logistics sectors.  


Tags: digital signature, electronic signature, esignature