Former Doctor Promotes Natural Health Professionals As The Path To Wellness

It is rare to see any medically trained doctor speak well much less promote natural health professionals. But even more rare to see a infectious disease doctor and former President of a medical insurance company. So what changed his mind? Read on:

Peter J. Weiss, MD, has an impressive CV.

Since graduating from Washington University Medical School he has served as a doctor in the navy and in private practice for several years. He eventually accepted a position as medical director for an insurance company and was elevated to CEO.

His goal in each role remained constant: to see people get better and live well.

Instead, he saw people get sicker. This view became sharpened when as a health insurance executive he was able to evaluate large data. After considerable reflection, he wrote a book called More Health Less Care espousing a philosophy that asks people to wake up from the matrix that isn't helping them. It's making them sick(er).

Then, he decided to resign and adopt the role of "wellness evangelist".

Dr. Pete is on a mission. He believes that you and I have been lulled into a false approach to good health but there's a way to wake up from the craziness that is modern medicine. It's to take responsibility for our health and to become empowered through education, support and encouragement. Wellness and life coaches as well as alternative care practitioners, chiropractors, physical therapists, all those that seek to work with the body instead of trying to bend it to their will are going to be the leaders in the upcoming cultural change that takes back our health.

He currently hosts an online radio program, publishes an online magazine going out to over 50,000 people in the Central Florida area. He also launched a website, all with the goal to bring a focus on these natural health professionals.


Tags: natural health, natural health proffesionals, the path to wellness

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Cliff Fontenot
Press Contact, More Health Less Care Alliance
More Health Less Care Alliance
2171 Winston Dr.
Cocoa, FL 32926