Former Foster Parent Exposes CPS in Book He's Offering Free on Kindle for 5 Days

Nehemiah Flynt, a former foster parent, is outraged at the government using the public school system, child protective services, the foster care system, and even law enforcement to kidnap children from innocent families and to target Christian facilities throughout our country.

​You can help Nehemiah Flynt expose CPS simply by getting a free kindle edition of "Legal Discrimination" - all you have to do is go to Amazon and search for his book and get a copy for free. Read it, post a review, and wa la. The more people that see your review, the more people that hear from you, the more people will know about the evils going on throughout our nation.

​Here's a synopsis of the book:

When Nehemiah began to question the maltreatment of children and teenagers in the state's care, he was threatened with having his foster home shut down. Not knowing what else to do, he backed off - for a while. However, he eventually decided enough was enough and ceased fostering.

Nehemiah Flynt, Author

Imagine finding out that you had been brainwashed into believing you were helping people, just to find out you were actually hurting them.

For years Nehemiah Flynt provided therapeutic foster care without realizing the harm he was helping the government inflict on innocent children and families. By the grace of God, the blinders fell off and he began to see the wickedness of “the system.”

Children’s bodies were being pumped full of experimental medications, parents’ homes were being raided based upon false allegations, young people were being pulled out of school so frequently they were falling behind academically, youths were being moved unnecessarily from placement to placement, causing them to develop attachment disorders, etc.

When Nehemiah began to question the maltreatment of children and teenagers in the state’s care, he was threatened with having his foster home shut down. Not knowing what else to do, he backed off – for a while. However, he eventually decided enough was enough and ceased fostering.

Later, Flynt took charge of a successful Christian-based facility for at-risk youths. He soon, learned, however, that the government of the United States is so narrow-minded that they would stop at nothing to close any facility operating under moral or religious principles differing from their own devilish agendas.

Legal Discrimination will be a real eye-opener for the majority of its readers. You will be shocked when you find out how the government has created agencies which operate above the law simply to discriminate against biological families (especially conservative Christian homes), private schools, homeschooling families, and anyone who expects their constitutional rights to be upheld.


Tags: against cps, fight cps, free ebook, free kindle book, legal discrimination