Former NFL Player Mike Hollis Announces Addition of Burne Hill to D7Pros Team
Online, November 16, 2010 ( - The Coach of D7Pros, Mike Hollis, today announced the addition of network marketing specialist Burne Hill to the D7Pros team. Hill brings with him an impressive record of sales and marketing experience with a specialty in online social networking platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace.
Hollis, who as a former professional athlete played for the Jacksonville Jaguars, Buffalo Bills and New York Giants, says he has total faith in Hill's ability to increase sales for the fast growing D7Pros team. "Burne's experience over the past 10 years in e-commerce, network marketing and online trading have prepared him for the challenges that a new business like D7Pros faces," Hollis said. "Our team has become that much stronger with Burne's proven experience as a sales leader."
Hill's recent battle with neuroendocrine carcinoma, a rare form of cancer has made him dedicated to promoting a healthier lifestyle that includes products like DENOVO7's XE7 energy drink. "During my six months of chemotherapy, I made a conscious decision to watch what I put into my body moving forward. Reading the list of ingredients that go into XE7, I realized that it made sense to get involved with a company that promotes healthy products and a healthier lifestyle."
D7Pros is an established DENOVO7 team of Independent Business Owners who are distributors for the DENOVO7 line of products beginning with XE7 energy drink, DENOVO7's flagship product.
For more information on DENOVO7, the XE7 energy drink or D7Pros, please contact Mike Hollis by email at [email protected] or visit or
Tags: Burne Hill, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, D7Pros, DENOVO7, energy drink, Mike Hollis, XE7, XE7 Energy Drink