Forthcoming Report on Glyphosate Industry

This report is about to study glyphosate from a global technical viewpoint with forecast of the development trend of its upstream industries. CCM hopes to find out potential business opportunities for the players in the upstream industries, because w

CCM will publish a new report of glyphosate industry called Global Commercial Opportunities Derived from Glyphosate Industry in April, 2011. CCM started glyphosate study from 2003 and has accumulated quite rich research experience and study resources in this area.
This report is about to study glyphosate from a global technical viewpoint with forecast of the development trend of its upstream industries. CCM hopes to find out potential business opportunities for the players in the upstream industries, because we believe there will be opportunities source from glyphosate downstream consumption. This report will focus on upstream raw materials supply to glyphosate production, especially the AEA, DEA and IDAN route and related industries.

The whole report is an integrated analysis and professional forecast to guide the investments and business movements for the upstream industries players who pay close attention to glyphosate industry or try to find opportunities in this industry.

This global survey will mainly focus on:
 Global development trend of AEA, DEA and IDAN routes
 Raw material supply situation forecast based on the future possible transformation of three major production routes and investment opportunities analysis
 Future possible industry transfer of global glyphosate production and investment opportunities analysis
 Potential opportunities analysis for the upstream players for glyphosate industry, including petrochemical enterprises, chlor-alkali industry players, intermediates producers and raw materials processors, etc.
 Global natural resources study on glyphosate production development and the consequences brought to the development of upstream industries

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Tags: AEA, CCM, DEA, Global glyphosate market, glyphosate opportunity, Glyphosate report, glyphosate upstream market, Herbicide, IDAN, market forecast, Monsanto

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Adam Tsang
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