Four Faith-Based U.S. Higher-Education Institutions Choose CAMS® Enterprise Campus-wide Academic ERP System

CAMS® Enterprise academic management system serves colleges and universities of all kinds and sizes worldwide.

Four faith-based higher-education institutions spanning the Midwest, South and Southwest U.S. have selected CAMS® Enterprise, the flagship higher education management solution of Three Rivers Systems Inc., as their new academic enterprise resource planning, or ERP, system to manage their entire student lifecycles.

The four include American Baptist College, in Nashville, Tenn.; Baptist University of the Americas, in San Antonio; Catholic Distance University, in Hamilton, Va.; and Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis.

CAMS Enterprise is a seamless academic ERP written with pure Microsoft technology from the ground up to be a single solution for higher education management. With a client-validated rapid-implementation process, institutions quickly transition to the new system and enjoy greater accessibility, better automation, improved communication and deeper business intelligence.

Carol Daley, director of technology for Catholic Distance University, pointed to CAMS' integration around a single, secured shared database as a major factor in the university's decision."As an institution dedicated to distance education, we must effectively build community online, and one way to do this is by offering our students, faculty and staff real-time access to wide-ranging services via Web-based portals. With its total integration, 100-percent Web-based platform and feature-richness, CAMS was by far the ERP choice that most fully met our needs," she said.

CAMS includes a host of advanced automated features - CRM, online applications, online registration, financial aid, billing, fundraising, document tracking, integrated portals, built-in learning management and more - to manage the entire admissions-to-alumni student lifecycle for colleges and universities.

"We are happy to welcome these fine institutions to the rapidly expanding CAMS Community," Amir Tajkarimi, company president and founder of Three Rivers Systems said. "They all share a common need for the most-advanced, integrated and scalable academic management system available - a need CAMS Enterprise fills for higher education institutions of all sizes around the globe. We are proud of our tradition of delivering a safe, secure dependable solution with predictable total cost of ownership and no surprises," he added.

About CAMS Enterprise
Developed from the ground up with Microsoft Internet technologies, CAMS Enterprise, is a highly scalable, comprehensive academic management system that is quick to implement and easy to use. CAMS Enterprise consolidates multiple stand-alone systems including admissions, student information, financial aid, student services, fiscal management with HR and payroll, fund-raising, alumni relations, document management, learning management, a full suite of portals, and more, into one solution that ensures administrators, staff, faculty and students all work with the most recent and most accurate information. CAMS Enterprise is a totally Web-native, completely integrated solution for managing the entire student life cycle at higher education institutions.


Tags: Academic ERP, academic management systems, admissions, campus management software, course management, CRM. LMS, intergated, learnming management systems, Microsoft, MS SQL, registration, SIS, student information systems, web-based

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Ron Kalb
Press Contact, Three Rivers Systems Inc.
Three Rivers Systems Inc.
174 Clarkson Road
Ellisville. MO
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