FOUR PAWS: Snails and slugs are not just pests!

Many people reach for chemical weapons in the fight against slugs and snails. The result is an agonising death - and an added risk to your pets.

Some commercial snail and slug repellents contain a toxic poison which can be fatal in small doses. "Garden owners with small children or pets should avoid these products at all costs", warns Johanna Stadler, director of FOUR PAWS. "Dogs frequently suffer fatal poisonings, as can garden dwellers such as hedgehogs." The snail and slug repellents do not pose a danger to just the animals in the garden. The poisons also sink into the ground and damage groundwater and the environment. "It is not enough to try and prevent animals consuming the repellent", says Johanna Stadler. "Poisoning can result from an animal licking its paws or cleaning its fur. Dogs also like the sweet taste of this poisonous substance."
The symptoms of snail repellent poisoning in humans and animals include vomiting, increased salivation, diarrhoea, shivering and shortness of breath. Even small doses can affect animals. If your pet comes into contact with the poison you should take it to the vet immediately. A few moments can mean the difference between life and death, as the latency period of repellent poisoning is very short. The poison cannot be removed from the body after thirty to sixty minutes. The vet will attempt to pump the animal's stomach, and will provide medication to reduce the cramps. Particular care should be taken with cats - while the symptoms are clear in dogs, cats and other small animals often die unnoticed after retreating in pain.
There are a variety of environmentally and animal friendly alternatives garden owners can reach for in the battle against these unpopular garden residents. Protective rings of sawdust, stone powder or quicklime keep snails and slugs away from plants and bushes on account of their dehydrating properties. Coffee grounds have also proved very effective. However, these methods are less effective in rainy conditions, and need to be repeated frequently. Slug and snail fences also provide protection. "If the fences are too expensive or time-consuming, one can use crushed egg shells", suggests Johanna Stadler.
"Snails and slugs do not deserve the horrible death caused by chemicals", stresses Johanna Stadler. "They serve a useful purpose, turning soil and converting it to fertile ground. They also consume old and rotting fruit and thereby prevent the spread of diseases. The extermination of snails and slugs therefore destroys the natural biological balance of the garden."


Tags: animal, animal cruelty, animal welfare


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Will Wright
Press Contact, FOUR PAWS