Four Reasons Why You Should Experience the Beauty of Belize

In the past few years, Ambergris Caye, an island that is located in the country of Belize is getting the spotlight not just for tourist but also for real estate investors.

Since summer is just around the corner, everyone’s busy planning for an out of town trip, hitting the beach, camping in a field and so much more. If your plans include hitting the beach and enjoying the scorching rays of the sun, visiting the Ambergris Caye is a good option.

In the past few years, Ambergris Caye, an island that is located in the country of Belize is getting the spotlight not just for tourist but also for real estate investors. The largest island in the country of Belize is filled with natural wonders such as the mangrove swamps, barrier reefs, and lagoons. Even though Ambergris Caye is a haven for natural wonders, there are areas of the island that are being developed for residential areas making it a favorite spot for real estate agents.

Although there are many 'Green Resorts' around the world, Blackadore Caye will be 'Deep Green.' Belize is proud to have been chosen for what will be a highly recognizable and beautiful landmark property. We welcome the benefits that come with the development of Blackadore Caye, including the commitment to enhance local employment, the positive international exposure for Belize and the economic impact of a project of this magnitude.

Dean Barrow, Belize Prime Minister

Reason # 1. Ambergris Caye is a place suitable for Hollywood celebrities

One of the main reasons why Ambergris Caye is turning into a popular spot these days is due to the fact that the Oscar’s award-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio had already invested in one of the places located near the area. Leonardo DiCaprio’s property in Blackadore Caye aims to develop the area to make it a restorative resort that is environmentally friendly.

Aside from Leonardo DiCaprio, there are other celebrities that are drawn with the beauty of Ambergris Caye. These celebrities are Charles Michael Davis (American model and actor), Travis Van (Transformers’ star), Ben Flajnik (The Bachelor actor), and Oscar Generale (King of Product Placement). So, if you want to meet your favorite Hollywood celebrities, visiting Ambergris Caye will give you a good chance of making your dreams come to life.

Reason # 2. The nightlife in Ambergris Caye is superb

Every night of the week, there is something going on in Ambergris Caye. The clubs and bars in Ambergris Caye offer jamming sessions, sunset cruises, and other events.

Reason # 3. The west side of Ambergris Caye is blessed with untouched beaches

The Ambergris Caye is popular because of its beaches. But, the west side of Ambergris Caye is so much more interesting. The untouched beauty of Ambergris Caye is evidently seen once you’ve visited the western side of the island. Some of the areas in the western part of the Ambergris Caye will sooner or later be developed to allow inviting more tourists and residents. Thus, the real estate industry in the western portion of Ambergris Caye can grow even better in the next few years.

Reason # 4. The foods and delicacies are worth trying

The edge of Ambergris Caye over the other locations in Central America is the natural wonders. But, there is more to Ambergris Caye than that. The locals are known for providing mouth-watering delicacies that originate in the island. To ensure that the foods and delicacies that will be offered are delicious, the restaurant owners and chefs ensure that the ingredients that will be used are fresh. In addition to that, the seafood in the area offers a distinct taste.  


Tags: Ambergris Caye, Belize, Leonardo DiCaprio

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Coldwell Banker Real Estate located in San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, just a few steps from the San Pedro Town airport terminal.

Dmitri Iondine
Press Contact, Coldwell Banker Ambergris Caye
Coldwell Banker Ambergris Caye
11 Coconut Drive
San Pedro, Ambergris Caye