Fox and Luther Pocket Squares to Feature in Esquire

Men's Pocket Square brand hits new heights after being approached to feature in luxury men's magazine.

3 month’s on from the launch of Fox and Luther’s captivating collection of pocket squares, the brand looks set to hit brand new and astronomical heights by featuring in May’s edition of Esquire UK.  Confirmed as an exclusive partner in Esquire’s summer essentials guide for men, Fox and Luther are braced for a blockbuster summer of sales.

Showcasing over 80 pocket square designs in a choice of luxury fabrics, Fox and Luther effortlessly bridge the gap between quality and affordability.  Whether you’re a man on the move, have a spring party coming up, or a big wedding on the horizon, add a fresh and nonchalant twist to your style with the brand everybody is talking about!  Having featured in GQ’s style maintenance section in April, it certainly looks like there’s no holding back for this south-east based company.

'We were very excited to be approached by Fox and Luther last month'

Alex Dalley, Co-Founder, Director

‘We’re were very excited to be approached by Esquire last month’ said Fox and Luther co-founder Alex Dalley.  ‘It’s been a whirlwind three months for the brand and with our collaboration with Esquire coming up, things are only going to get better’

Fox and Luther last week announced the launch of their pure silk bow tie range, which gives a new dimension to men looking for an exciting twist to their formal wear.  Accessory shopping remains high upon the agenda of Britain’s growingly fashion conscious men and in 2016 are we witnessing the birth of a future brand powerhouse?



Tags: mens accessories., mens fashion, mens pocket squares, pocket squares

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