Free Printable Diamond Jubilee Bingo Cards & Bingo Game
Online, June 1, 2012 ( - To celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee, Answers 2000 Limited, author of the popular Bingo Card Printer software, used to create educational bingo cards, is pleased to announce the immediate availability of free printable materials for playing Diamond Jubilee bingo.
The printable materials are available in a PDF format, and include a set of 8 colourful bingo cards containing words and phrases relating to the monarchy, Queen Elizabeth's reign, and the Commonwealth. Additionally, the materials also include a ready-to-use call sheet, which can be used by the bingo caller to read out a random selection of items when playing the game All the materials can be downloaded, free of charge, by going to the Bingo Card Printer website - - and clicking through to the Diamond Jubilee Bingo page.
To play the game, simply give each player a bingo card, and allow them to check items off their bingo cards as they are called out (the free space square can be checked off at any time). Prizes should be given to the first players to check off all four corners, any straight line of five squares, and any two intersecting straight lines of five squares.
Also available to download, and also available free of charge, is the settings file for Bingo Card Printer, which can be used to customize the bingo cards, or to produce larger sets of Diamond Jubilee bingo cards.
Bingo Card Printer is the leading Windows software package for creating educational and special occasion bingo cards which can be customized to teacher's and parent's needs. The software is used by thousands of teachers and parents worldwide, and a free trial version is available to download from the website
Tags: bingo, Bingo Cards, diamond jubilee, Free, game, jubilee