Free TeamWox For All Educational Institutions!
Educational institutions from any country are eligible to obtain the online collaboration system TeamWox for free.
Online, April 6, 2011 ( - MetaQuotes Software Corp. joins the program for promotion of information technologies in education. This means that educational institutions from any country are eligible to obtain the online collaboration system TeamWox for free. The free version includes unlimited time of service, with all subsequent updates and technical support.
Educational institutions are becoming more and more similar to the usual business of a company. They struggle with competitors, they have similar problems with increasing the organizational structure and they must constantly evolve.
At this point, all these tasks can be efficiently solved using TeamWox, which is now very popular among small and medium businesses. Being implemented in educational institutions, it can have an equally positive effect, as well as in private enterprises.
TeamWox creates a common information space for internal communications and operational tasks. By automating business processes, organizations can reduce the related costs of carrying out routine operations and thus increase productivity.
With TeamWox, any educational institution can easily shift to electronic documentation and organize the "electronic reception" by integrating TeamWox Service Desk system and instant messaging into their own web site. The TeamWox system can also be very useful in the learning process: it can be used to demonstrate how modern business management systems operate.
The only condition for the free version is the ownership of a valid license for educational activity, issued by the relevant governmental regulatory body.
To receive a free version of TeamWox for educational institutions, please visit our website and submit an application.
MetaQuotes Software Corp. is a B2B software development company established in 2000. The company's main product lines include online trading platforms for the financial markets and enterprise management systems. Working with some of the world leading companies, MetaQuotes Software Corp. has earned the reputation as a supplier of the most reliable software solutions at an affordable price.
The company's website:
TeamWox is an enterprise management systems, designed for optimizing business processes and minimizing company's expenses. More than 4000 companies around the world use it in their daily activities and achieve positive results. TeamWox is very efficient for use in educational institutions: the system will help reduce costs of routine operations and improve the performance of the organization.
The product website:
Tags: Education, Enterprise Management System, TeamWox Groupware