Freelance Writer, Author and Writing Coach Offers a New Class on Specifically How to Write for Magazines

Suzanne Lieurance, successful freelance writer, author, and the Working Writer's Coach, helps writers write more and better by writing for the major magazine markets.

Many writers want to write for magazines but they don't know what to do in order to be successful.

That's why Lieurance created this class.

In this 6-week e-course and coaching program, you'll learn exactly what to do to quickly start writing for magazines. PLUS, for an entire year after you complete the course, you'll receive the ongoing personal support you need to reach your magazine writing goals.

Here are some of the benefits of the course:

• Six Simple Lessons and Assignments
It's easy to complete just one short assignment each week for six weeks

• Everything is Delivered Online
You can do the lessons and assignments at home, in your pjs if you like!

• Each lessons focuses on just one basic component of magazine writing
Makes the information easy to understand

• You can ask questions at any time
So you're sure you understand the material

• Includes Ongoing Support Through an Online Forum
Gives you the opportunity to learn from others who are writing for magazines

• Includes Additional Weekly Tips Once You Get Started
To Help You Build Confidence and Stay Motivated

The course also includes:

A Tracking Form - so you can easily keep track of each of Your Queries and Article Submissions
A 60-minute audio with tips for Writing for Children's Magazines since these markets are somewhat different than markets for grownups (simply download the audio and listen to it anytime you want)
A 60-minute audio with additional tips to help you break into your favorite magazine markets (download the audio and listen to it whenever you like)
Every week for 6 weeks you'll get access to a short, easy-to-follow lesson and assignment designed to teach you everything you need to know to quickly start writing for magazines. You can complete this e-course in 6 weeks.


Tags: freelance writer, freelance writing, write for magazines

About Working Writer's Coach

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I'm Suzanne Lieurance, The Working Writer's Coach. I can show you how to turn your love of writing into a part time or full time career. While you're here, also take time to read several of our many helpful articles about writing.

Suzanne Lieurance
Press Contact, Working Writer's Coach
Working Writer's Coach
PO box 6062, Jensen Beach, FL
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
United States