Unveils Tips for Choosing the Perfect Coach offers advice to those who are seeking a life coach, business coach, team coach or career coach. Representatives from the open coaching network reveal important tips for users of their website who need help finding the right coach.

Coaching experts at are making it easier for clients to use their open network to locate the perfect coach. The site launched on Aug. 1, and it's the first open network where clients and coaches can connect directly. Public Relations Manager Anda Tudor says their site greatly increases the number of coaches that are available to clients, but it's important that clients know what to look for before making their final selection.

"The life coaching industry is undergoing a major expansion right now," Tudor says. "The field is wider than it ever has been before, so clients can and should be picky when they are choosing someone to work with. This list of qualities we are releasing is essential for anyone who is looking for a coach to keep close at hand."
Tudor explains some of the most important qualities to look for in a life coach:

• Specialization - Not everyone needs to work on the same problems, so choosing a coach with the right specialization is the first step Tudor recommends.

• Life experience - Tudor says the most important feature of a life coach is life experience. She says that it's difficult to take advice from someone who hasn't done anything yet, and rightfully so. "How can someone who has lived a sheltered life really understand what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes?" Tudor says.

• A connection - is founded on forging connections between clients and their ideal coaches. According to Tudor, the website's founders understand how important that connection is, and that's why they decided to create an open network where coaches can provide responses to requests for coaching from clients.

• Authenticity - "Honesty and authenticity can't be stressed enough when it comes to finding the right coach," Tudor says. "You must have a coach who is willing to be open and honest with you and who actually puts their own advice into practice. If they don't practice what they preach, why are they preaching it?"

• Coaching style - Tudor recommends that clients ask questions about coaching styles before they commit to working with anyone. She says every coach has a different way of working, and not every coach is right for every client. She suggests that clients consider the way they work the best and look for someone whose coaching style matches that. offers several specializations and coaching styles, including business, motivational and team coaching. Tudor advises clients to carefully consider what they need to work on most, post a request and then ask for a free discovery session with the coach they feel will be the best fit.

"Effective coaching starts with a close look at your goals, which is what a discovery session is all about." Tudor says. "Once you realize where most of your goals are heading, it's easy to see if the selected person's coaching style will mesh with your goals. If it does, you can get started on your coaching plan right away. Otherwise you are free to explore other coaches until you find the right fit."


Tags: business coach, career coach, life coach


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