Fresh n Fast Education Caterer Encourages Schools to Support Charity in the Sun-Herald City2Surf
Online, August 2, 2010 (
Sydney, Australia: Healthy school canteen catering business, Fresh n Fast Group Australia, ( today encouraged all schools to get behind charity by supporting the Australian Diabetes Council in this Sunday's Sun-Herald City2Surf fun run.
More than 3 million Australians have or are at risk of diabetes. Lifestyle factors such as unhealthy eating and lack of physical activity can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. It usually occurs in adults over the age of 45 but it is increasingly occurring at a younger age with thousands of school children being diagnosed every year.
CEO of Fresh n Fast, Virginia McManus, said "We are seeing an alarming increase in the rise of Type 2 diabetes in school children and Fresh n Fast recognises the important work that the Australian Diabetes Council does in raising community awareness about this growing problem. This Sunday we are encouraging all of our schools to get behind them by choosing them on their City2Surf fundraising page."
Fresh n Fast is one of the largest privately owned catering companies operating in NSW and ACT independent schools, with numbers steadily increasing in 2010 as more Principals and Parents Committees realise the importance of ensuring that their canteen is offering students healthy, fresh food.
McManus continued "Fresh n Fast has been at the forefront of recognising that school canteens have a vital role to play in encouraging healthy eating in Australian children. We understand that the key to this is offering fresh food at an affordable price. Not only is our menu healthy and seasonal, it has also been designed with kids in mind so we're offering them food they want to eat."
For information about how to support the Australian Diabetes Council in this Sunday's City2Surf fun run visit their website at
For further information about Fresh n Fast, including sample menus, please visit our website To speak to someone further about the role we can play in your school, please contact:
Virginia McManus
Fresh n Fast Group Australia
Ph: 02 9922 7122
Fresh n Fast is a proud business associate of The Organic Food Directory - & sponsor of Young Indie Music at Boost Independent music -
Tags: canteen, caterer, healthy