Fresh Tech Maid Provides Free Flu Buster Cleanings During the Illinois Flu Season

Fresh Tech Maid Is Providing Free Flu Buster Cleanings to Help People During the Illinois Season
Two Maids from Fresh Tech Maid

Flu season is in full swing in Illinois and germs are spreading fast. The flu is a contagious disease that can cause mild to severe symptoms and can be fatal for people who have weak immune systems. Children, sick, and elderly people all have a much higher chance of developing more serious symptoms. 

Fresh Tech Maid is a maid service located in Chicago, Evanston, and Arlington Heights, and they are known for being a very caring business. They are the highest paying maid service; they provide free cleanings to cancer patients, and they are the only service that uses chemical-free cleaning products. 

With the flu season ramping up and the fear of the Coronavirus in the news, Fresh Tech Maid wanted to take things to the next level and provide a helping hand to people in their service area. They decided to provide their flu buster cleaning add-on for free for the entire month of February.

Fresh Tech Maid is the only company in the area that has a flu buster cleaning add-on. This is a feature people can add to their basic cleaning. It includes a full sanitation of all the highly touched areas in their home like remotes, switches, and more. You can read the full Flu Buster Cleaning checklist here They use a product called deionized water that kills germs, cleans, and is chemical-free. It is the same product that hospitals use to clean rooms.

They use this method of cleaning because it is healthier for their clients, their homes, their maids, and the Earth. Fresh Tech Maid cares deeply about the health of their clients and their maids, so providing free flu buster cleanings will not only help their clients stay safe from the flu but also protect their maids from getting it as well.

The Flu Buster Cleaning add-on is normally 40 dollars, but Fresh Tech Maid is giving it away for free to help keep their clients and maids healthy. The deal is only valid for the month of February while they have spots open; and use the offer code: FLUSEASONUPGRADE. You can find more about Fresh Tech Maid and the things they do here

Source: Fresh Tech Maid


Tags: cleaning, cold, eco friendly, family, flu, germs, green, health, local business, maid service, parenting, sick

About Fresh Tech Maid

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Fresh Tech Maid is the only maid service in Chicago that specializes in chemical free cleaning! Between our amazing technicians and our convenient online booking, we provide a healthier, stress-free, and highly detailed cleaning!

Fresh Tech Maid
1532 W Fullerton Ave #1
Chicago, IL 60614
United States