Fridge Filters, Inc. Talks About the Threats of the Animas River Spill

Fridge Filters, Inc. speaks about the impact of the Animas River Toxic Spill to people's health and to the environment. The unfortunate event is quite alarming especially to the quality of water in affected areas.

On August 5, 2015, the Animas River spill took place and shocked Colorado residents as well as other concerned citizens in the US. In the event, close to three million gallons of toxic mine water spilled into the 126-mile long river, west of the United States.

The management and staff of Fridge Filters, Inc. were disheartened upon hearing the tragic news. For a company that helps people get cleaner and safer drinking water, this unfortunate event is quite alarming. The tragedy did not only put the lives of many in danger, it also led to serious environmental damages, and enormous economic costs, among others.

How did it happen? Well, on the mentioned date, workers of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Environmental Restoration LLC utilized heavy equipment to enter Gold King Mine, a defunct mine that is located near Silverton, Colorado. Along the way, a leak sprung and caused the massive heavy metal spill.

In a CNN interview, Max Costa, chair of the department of environmental medicine at New York University School of Medicine said that the disaster was a real mess and the heavy metal levels are simply shocking.

To add, exposure to high levels of lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and other heavy metals can cause a wide array of health problems that may have a negative effect on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, lungs, kidneys, liver, endocrine glands, and bones.

As per the sampling done by the EPA on different points in the Animas River on August 6 and 7, the levels of arsenic, beryllium, lead, cadmium, and mercury were alarmingly high compared to the appropriate levels that were set by the agency.

In fact, one of the samples of mercury showed that the said element was close to 10 times higher than EPA standards; samples of cadmium and beryllium were 33 times higher, and arsenic levels were more than 800 times higher.

It should be noted that the said metals don’t just disappear, even if they go down to low levels, some contaminated water could still kick up at any time.  And while the contamination levels drastically improved a week after the spill, fears still linger since the long-term consequences of the mentioned tragedy are still there. Experts even add that the adverse effects of heavy metal poisoning can take several years before they become apparent.

While certain moves by the EPA effectively and efficiently halted catastrophic and immediate results, the “ecological price tag” that it carries will take several years to become apparent, especially when it comes to the water quality of affected areas.

Fridge Filters, Inc. advices people living near the Animas River area or those affected by this tragedy in any way to be more cautious with the water they use or drink. This is a serious matter that can lead to health problems. Visit and read the blog for tips and guides on how to get cleaner and safer water.


Tags: Animas River, Animas River Spill, Water Filters

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560 22nd St.
Zumbrota, MN 55992
United States