Fugro Roadware- ARAN Passes New 2012 TTI Certification

Fugro Roadware's ARAN achieved new Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) certification.


Fugro Roadware's ARAN recently achieved new Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) certification (specified in TxDOT Test Method Tex-1001S) to validate that profiling equipment can collect accurate longitudinal profile and roughness (IRI) with high repeatability. Both our flagship ARAN 9000 and the hitch-mounted ARAN 7000 road profiler passed all tests successfully.

The ARAN 9000 was first certified in 2009 using Selcom point lasers. This latest certification used the Selcom RoLine lasers, which are increasingly being specified by customers for network-level projects. This was the first time in the industry that the new, more stringent requirements adopted by TTI were used to certify inertial profilers.

"I am pleased to see the industry standards for inertial profilers being tightened," said Michael Nieminen, Director of Technology Development at Fugro Roadware. "Clients now expect project- level accuracy on network-level projects, and these new standards help to ensure that the collection equipment can deliver."

"The new RoLINE sensors combined with Fugro's intelligent roughness algorithms remove the effects of wheel path wander, and pavement construction artifacts such as 'concrete tining' and
joints" added David Lowe, Managing Director.

For more information, please contact Michael Nieminen or David Lowe at [email protected]

Full Article: http://www.fugroroadware.com/related/down-loads/242430

Company Description:
Fugro Roadware is a multi-national company with over 40 years of highly specialized experience in infrastructure management technology and data collection services. Our mission is to provide the highest quality information gathering products, services and support to infrastructure and transportation organizations throughout the world.

Contact Us:
Fugro Roadware
2505 Meadowvale Blvd.
Mississauga, ON
L5N 5S2

To learn more about Fugro Roadware, please visit our Website at www.fugroroadware.com


Tags: Fugro Roadware, IRI, profiling equipment, RoLINE sensors, roughness, Texas Transportation Institute, TTI Certification, TxDOT

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