Full-Year Preschool Curriculum Offered At Http://www.startingapreschool.net.

Brand-new preschool curriculum created by MaryBeth Collins for use in preschools, daycares, and home-schooling. Find a full-year, full-week curriculum in eight categories.

Full-Year Preschool Curriculum Offered at http://www.startingapreschool.net.

Champaign, Illinois: A new curriculum will fill your preschool day with a full roster of ideas and activities.

Site owner, MaryBeth Collins is thrilled to announce the creation of her preschool curriculum. When asked what makes her preschool curriculum different than the others, Ms. Collins said "There are ideas in eight major categories." These categories include Fine Motor Skills, Arts and Crafts, Exploration, Lesson, Music and Movement, Books and Stories, Gross Motor Skills and Snack.

Ms. Collins also pointed out, "the curriculum fills an entire year, not just nine months like most preschool curriculum." There is a new theme every week, four weeks per month, for a total of 48 themes for the year.

"There is also ideas for five days of the week, not just two or three days, like other curriculum", Ms. Collins concluded.

Along with being an expert in curriculum, MaryBeth will also teach you how to start a preschool. In this economy, having an income that you generate and does not depend on an employer could the difference between paying the bills and going under.

You can visit her website to find information on child safety, ways to have fun with children, setting up learning centers, and how to promote learning and discipline. There are ideas on being kind to each other, what to have in a daily lesson plan, the benefits of sending your child to preschool, where to find quality equipment and how to write a preschool newsletter.

If you love children, you can provide a valuable service to your community by starting a preschool or daycare center. Many cities are in need of childcare. Single moms and families with both parents working are a growing reality.

Now is the time to start a preschool in your home. Do it for half day or full day. You will be amazed at the income possibilities by starting a preschool. You will learn how to find children, how to generate start-up money and how to get started without spending a fortune.

Ms. MaryBeth Collins has a Degree in Family and Consumer Science, years of teaching both preschool and high school. She also taught preschool to her own three daughters.

MaryBeth Collins


Tags: daycare curriculum, lesson plans for preschool, preschool curriculum, starting a preschool, themes for preschool

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