Funding a Diverse Portfolio of Clean Vehicle and Energy Technologies is Right Choice for America

Three international trade associations said today that the energy spending bill signed by President Obama this week is the best way to assure that the nation ends its dependence on imported fuels and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.


EDTA: Jennifer Watts, 202-408-0774 x306
[email protected]

NHA: Patrick Serfass, 202-223-5547 x366
[email protected]

USFCC: Bud DeFlaviis, 202-293-5500 x35
[email protected]

Funding a Diverse Portfolio of Clean Vehicle and Energy Technologies is Right Choice for America

Washington, DC-October 30, 2009- The comprehensive approach to advancing transportation and clean energy technologies embodied in the energy spending bill signed by President Obama this week is the best way to assure that the nation ends its dependence on imported fuels and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, three international trade associations said today.

"The FY 2010 Energy & Water Development Appropriation funds a full portfolio of advanced technologies and fuels for power generation and vehicles, including fuel cells, hydrogen, and batteries," the Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA), National Hydrogen Association (NHA) and US Fuel Cell Council (USFCC) said in a joint statement. "Congress and the Administration are wisely investing in all the most promising advanced transportation and low carbon electricity options. All these pathways work cooperatively with renewable and traditional domestic energy sources."

The bill allocates $311 million to vehicle electrification and advanced combustion systems, $220 million for advanced biofuels and $283 million for hydrogen and fuel cells in all applications.

"While vehicle options may enter the marketplace at different times and serve different early market segments, pursuing the full range of options gives America its best chance overall of meeting its energy security and environmental goals," the organizations said. "The National Research Council has recently concluded, in fact, that a successful portfolio approach could reduce passenger car demand for gasoline nearly to zero by 2050 with comparable reductions in emissions. A multipronged approach will leverage complementary development pathways and accelerate the use of domestic resources."

"We thank Congress for its tireless work to improve the federal energy budget, especially Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and his Energy and Water Subcommittee, Congressman Steve Israel (D-NY) and the other members of the House Subcommittee, plus the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Caucuses in both chambers," they said. "Their leadership, and the bipartisan support of their colleagues in Congress, were crucial to rebalancing the Administration's budget request."

EDTA, NHA and USFCC collectively represent more than 200 companies and organizations.
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About the Electric Drive Transportation Association
The Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA) is the trade association representing battery, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell electric drive technologies and infrastructure. EDTA conducts public policy advocacy, education, industry networking, and international conferences. EDTA's membership includes automotive and other equipment manufacturers, energy companies, technology developers, component suppliers, and government agencies.

About the U.S. Fuel Cell Council
The USFCC is a trade association and voice of the fuel cell industry. The USFCC is dedicated to fostering the commercialization of fuel cells. Our members include the world's leading fuel cell developers, manufacturers, suppliers and customers.

About the National Hydrogen Association
The National Hydrogen Association (NHA) is the premier hydrogen trade organization led by over 100 companies dedicated to supporting the transition to hydrogen. Our efforts focus on education and outreach, policy, safety and codes and standards. Since 1989, the NHA has served as a catalyst for information exchange and cooperative projects, and continues to provide the setting for mutual support among industry, research, and government organizations.


Tags: DOE funding, fuel cell, hydrogen

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Press Contact, US Fuel Cell Council
US Fuel Cell Council
1100 H Street, NW Ste 800
Washington, DC 20005