Funding Quest Begins For IPhone Beer App

Quality Beer Drinkers Unite to Fund iPhone App to Locate Beer

Apptism by Fire, an iPhone and mobile app development studio is proud to announce they are begging for money to develop an app that discerning beer drinkers will be proud to call their favorite iPhone app.

The app, Beer Hunter, named in homage to the world's greatest beer connoisseur, Michael Jackson of the UK (different Michael Jackson than you are thinking.) For the first time beer drinkers will have the ability find beers, play a scavenger hunt for badges and prizes and as importantly build a mobile minion of knowledgeable suds lovers globally.

"I love beer almost as much as I love talking about beer. That is what Beer Hunter is all about." according to Judson Voss, creator of the application and apparently quite the beer hound.

"What is even more exciting to me is the way we are funding this misguided love for suds, utilizing Kickstarter." Mr Voss chimes in again to interrupt my eloquently crafted work.

Kickstarter, is a community funding website where members vote for projects with their wallets by pledging funds. It is an all or nothing proposition where funds are only released to the creators if all of their monetary goals are met within the allotted time period. Apptism by Fire, being a delusional organization, is asking for $7,318 in a 33 day period, the project is at

Please visit for more information and to pledge ridiculous amounts of money, like your life depended on it, to release this app on the world. (My life does depend on it, they have me locked in their server room making me write these sophomoric press releases and won't let me out until their funding goal is met.)

Apptism by Fire is a private mobile application development studio focused on providing high quality applications for the mobile professional and I guess Beer Drinkers.

If you would like further information on Beer Hunter or Apptism by Fire or you would like to schedule an interview for who knows what reason, please contact;

Judson Voss, Chief Bottle Washer
Phone: 678-224-5795
email: [email protected]


Tags: Android App, Craft beer, iphone app

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Judson Voss
Press Contact, Apptism by Fire
Apptism by Fire
1839 Blackwater Dr
Marietta, GA 30066