Funiche Offers a New Experience of Article Submission

Never underestimate traffic from video sites! 11,500 views per second from YouTube only last year proved that video sites become the best of free traffic source after Google. recently launched a great promo on article video submission. Started Feb 1, 2010, this program is dedicated to help internet marketers to get more targeted visitors to their websites from video submission sites like YouTube, Metacafe and other similar sites doing video submission business.

Internet marketers have been traditionally using article marketing as a way to get backlinks as well as targeted visitors to their money sites. An article made for this purpose will have some keywords related to a specific niche that are linked to a squeeze page, blog or website promoting a product of that particular niche. EzineArticles is one of the most respected article submission sites preferred by many online marketers.

The same article sent to the article submission sites now can be converted easily to article video, by doing this the online marketers can leverage traffic to their websites to increase the sales. Video submission sites involved a huge amount of traffic, YouTube alone for example recorded over 1 billion views per day in October 2009. That's around 11,500 views per second.

A program called Article Video Robot makes the article converting process easier and once the article successfully converted to video another program called Video Submit Robot will deliver it to the video submission directories at once. This automatic delivery process helps to free up the user's time a lot as video submission is really a time consuming work.

Some online marketers are not aware that YouTube has become the second largest search engine after Google. Funiche predicted that online video marketing will replace the traditional article marketing soon as more and more people now prefer to search videos instead of boring articles.

People remember more of what they see and hear than read. More searches are now done through YouTube than through Yahoo or MSN so smart internet marketers should see this as a big opportunity and change their article marketing strategy to take the full benefit of this huge free traffic.


Tags: article marketing, article marketing strategy, Article Submission, article video robot, video submission, video marketing

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Nick Olsen
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