Fusion Co-Founder Mark Sodon Launches New Program

Mark Sodon, Co-Founder of Fusion, has launched a new partner program to allow private investors to partner with businesses in need of working capital.

Mark Sodon, Co-Founder of Fusion, has launched a new partner program to allow private investors to partner with businesses in need of working capital. The idea behind this program is to connect business owners with like minded investors that have access to working capital that can help a business grow. In many cases, a business may not be eligible for loans from traditional sources such as their local bank. Their are plenty of private investors and lenders out their who would be happy to provide the working capital that a successful business needs. As stated by Mark, "It's just a matter of linking these two sides together".

Sodon says, "The idea came to me after watching Shark Tank and thinking about how many business owners actually get on the show. Then I started to think about how many business are not on the show. That's when it clicked. I instantly had a vision of blending Shark Tank and a social media platform together."

This newly released program from Fusion should not be confused with crowd funding. Crown funding is where a business or entrepreneur typically offers an incentive or piece of their company to multiple third-parties. Here, Fusion's platform is more-or-less the vehicle to introduce a single investor with a business. Currently, Fusion provides commercial loans within the alternative lending space. Mark Sodon states, "Fusion provides access to working capital to all business types including small businesses, entrepreneurs, and large - high grossing corporations. The approval process is much different than traditional sources of money. Fusion focuses on the health of your business and not your credit score. We even have short-term solutions to help when the unexpected happens."

Right now this program is being tested with a handful of clients and Mark hopes to see it live and fully functional by June 2014. More information on the program will be released. For updates, visit www.thefusionway.com or www.marksodon.com.


Tags: business loans, FUSION, Loans for Merchants, Mark Sodon

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