Gap Intelligence Launches Notebook Computer Category

gap intelligence announces the launch of its weekly notebook computer market intelligence service.

SAN DIEGO, California - gap intelligence, an industry leader of IT competitive intelligence, recently introduced its notebook and mobile computing market intelligence services. Notebook computer makers need to react quickly to the extremely fast paced marketplace as product lifecycles are shortened to just four months and price actions take place on a daily basis.

The new Notebook Report tracks products, placements, pricing, and promotions for all notebooks across the retail,, and e-commerce channels on a weekly basis. To highlight the constantly changing notebook computer market, the following channel events occurred in the first week of August alone: 37 new notebooks entered the retail channel, 35 products fell in price, and over 100 new retail notebook promotions were launched.

"Perhaps more than any other technology category, the rapid growth, short product cycle, and fierce competition in the notebook market requires manufacturers to react to changes as they occur," said Deron Kershaw, Market Analyst, gap intelligence. "The new report keeps manufacturers up-to-date on all changes across the market, from new additions to price shifts."

gap intelligence's market intelligence services include weekly analytical reports that summarize and bring insight to the changes happening within the evolving notebook computer marketplace. These reports empower manufacturers to make real-time business decisions as the information keeps them abreast regarding new and forthcoming products.

Monitoring a category as dynamic as notebooks is crucial for companies that want to grow sales and optimize their retail placements. gap intelligence's services are designed to support and help vendors stay one step ahead of the competition. gap intelligence's weekly Notebook Pricing and Promotions database is available now.


Tags: industry, laptop, market, market research, notebook

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Deron Kershaw
Press Contact, gap intelligence