Promotes Wellies and Frost Protection To Help With January Gardening Jobs
Online, January 17, 2013 ( - As reported by the Mail Online, the UK experienced a relatively warm winter in 2012. As a result, gardeners want to get outdoors as soon as possible and get gardening early, taking advantage of the extended warm period. have a list of gardening jobs appropriate for January to be completed, staring with the sewing of seeds in the greenhouse. Checking packets first is advised, though now is the best time for many seeds to be sewn, providing an early start in a warm environment to give them a better chance of growing.
There are a few outdoor gardening jobs that need to be done at this time of year, however the wet weather has saturated the ground with water, left muddy in most places. A Customer Advice Liaison for added, "we recommend that people wear waterproof wellies like our Hunter wellington boots for any outdoor gardening jobs at this time of year, simply because of the huge amount of rainfall we experienced over Christmas. Most of the outdoor gardening jobs that need doing now are in preparation for colder weather ahead. UK weather forecasting services have predicted January will bring widespread snowfall, meaning temperatures are sure to be cold. Gardeners need to complete these jobs if they want their gardens ready once spring comes around."
Mulching fruit trees and bushes will be necessary a necessary step. By mulching these plants now, gardeners can improve the level of nutrients in the soil around the tree or bush, providing a stronger start to the year, and leaving a layer of protection above the soil covered by the material used in mulching.
The final gardening jobs to complete before the snow and cold temperatures hit in February are protecting soil and ponds from freezing over. provides frost protection sheets for gardeners to cover the soil waiting to be cultivated, allowing it to be worked on sooner by avoiding the freeze.
Ponds must be protected from freezing to preserve the garden's ecosystem, providing water to each creature in need. A simple tennis ball left floating in a pond will provide enough movement to deter ice from forming, attracting creatures to a garden even when it's covered in snow. is an online retailer of home and garden products such as sheds. They have a wide range of products including Hunter wellies and frost protection sheets. Wellingtons are essential for any outdoor gardening jobs this month, as the ground around the country is muddy at best and waterlogged at worst.
Tags: frost sheets, garden equipment, gardening advice, plant protectors, wellies