Gardeners Green Envy Over Luscious Turf
Online, May 9, 2012 ( - It's official, neighbours are envious of each others lawn turf. That's according to a recent poll.
The findings showed 4 in 10 people looked over the fence at a lush green lawn with jealousy, meanwhile a quarter feel there is competition on their street to have the best-kept plot.
The findings recorded that 42% of adults peer longingly at their neighbours turf.
The biggest factor for jealousy was other peoples bigger gardens, followed by a well-manicured lawn.
However, Emma Scott from Turf Supplies Direct, a leading turf suppliers, said don't get mad - get even!
She said it's relatively easy to get a luscious green lawn: "We keep our turf fields in tip top condition using natural fertilisers, so the grass will be a lush green colour for the first 6 to 8 weeks. We don't actually encourage applying any chemicals to the lawn during this initial period, or during laying.
A top tip is to mix a little organic compost into the soil before you lay the turf. This will slowly release nitrogen into the soil over the course of many months keeping the lawn looking really nice and green.
This method can also help retain water, so if you live in an area effected by the hose pipe ban this can help retain rain water. Obviously if you already have waterlogging issues we would not advise you use this method."
There are other ways to keep on top of your lawn turf and ensure it looks nice and green.
Turf Supplies Direct has more than 50 years experience in creating the perfect lawn.
Emma Scott said it's important to keep on top of your grass: "Mow it regularly and keep the sword (the blades of grass) at between 25 and 35mm in length. Don't let it grow too long, in the summer you might have to mow twice a week...but the results will be worth it."
However, it is very important to maintain your turf during the summer and autumn months. Spring is the ideal time to lay new turf but then gardeners need to keep on top of it throughout the other seasons.
This keeps your lawn looking great but also strong and healthy and helps prevent disease and other problems associated with extreme weather - such as the current drought or the hard winter we had last year.
Tags: lawn turf, lawn turf supplies, turf suppliers