Gates Corporation Announces Enhancement to MegaSpiral® Hoses Used in Integrated Hydraulic Systems

The Constant Pressure Hydraulic Hose Line Has an Increased Bend Radius, Offering Greater Flexibility and Reduced Costs in Fluid Power Applications

The Fluid Power unit of Gates Corporation, a leading manufacturer of industrial and automotive products, has made improvements to its MegaSpiral® hoses, which are part of its MegaSys® product line for hydraulic systems. The constant pressure spiral-wire hoses can now bend up to one-half the SAE specifications, offering increased flexibility and reducing inventory requirements.

The new bend radius shortens overall hose assembly length and enables MegaSpiral® hoses to be routed in tight spaces for easy installation in hydraulic applications. The spiral-wire hoses also require fewer bent tube fittings and extend life in bending, flexing applications, reducing downtime and decreasing hose costs by as much as 47 percent.

In addition, MegaSpiral® hoses can handle up to 6,000 psi working pressures and MegaTuff® covers help resist abrasion.

For additional information about the MegaSys® product line and Gates Fluid Power Hydraulic Systems, visit


Tags: fluid power, Gates Corporation, Hydraulic Hose, hydraulic systems, MegaSpiral hose, MegaSpiral hoses, MegaSys hose, MegaSys hoses, MegaSys products

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Paul Tolme
Press Contact, Gates Corporation
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