"Gay: A New Path Forward" By Nicolas Janovsky Published By WingSpan Press
Online, September 27, 2011 (Newswire.com) - What we talk about when we talk about "Gay"
For too long, the topic of being Gay has lived under the rock of discrimination, ignorance and misunderstnding. In his new book, "Gay: A New Path Forward", author Nicolas Janovsky reaches out to non-Gays with detailed descriptions of Gay life and attitudes. He explains terminology and various aspects of Gay culture through true personal stories of Gay men and women who have struggled with the shame and difficulty of being Gay in a critical and misunderstanding world.
With "Gay: A New Path Forward", the author hopes to enlighten non-Gays by offering them ways to talk to and about Gays in their lives. Through this, Nicolas aims to put an end to the stereotyping that plagues everyday language and society and that sets Gays apart from the rest of humanity. The author contends that if society could talk about Gays the way they talk about race, non-Gays would soon discover that their Gay friends and family members were just like them. Nicolas hopes that all individuals would be noted as different in the same manner that people are short, tall, white, black, smart but not otherwise "different" just because of their sexuality.
From the wealth of information shared in "Gay: A New Path Forward", the author hopes to forge a new path for Gays and non-Gays alike, inspiring them to learn from, talk and interact openly with one another. As part of his explanation of Gay culture, Nicolas offers intriguing looks into several of the Gay hotsport neighborhoods in America such as the Boystown district in Chicago and the Chelsea district in New York City, and encourage readers to dip into the wealth of culture and fun avilable in those locations.
Author Nicolas Janovsky is a native Floridian, and a proud resident of the historic Gay Ybor City suburb of Tampa, known locally as GaYbor. Nicolas is openly Gay and works to bring others, Gay and non-Gay alike, into the light of understanding. "Spending time looking for what is missing in your life is futile; if you fail to look within yourself," he says. "When we challenge everything we believe we are... we reveal that which we never knew about our own selves."
"Gay: A New Path Forward" is published by WingSpan Press, www.wingspanpress.com and is available from Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com in hardcover (ISBN 978-1-59594-406-1, $26.00), paperback (ISBN 978-1-59594-454-2, $18.00) and Kindle ($9.95)
Tags: "Gay culture", "Gay life", discrimination