Gen Y Hub Debuts As Premier Social Media Network For Millennials
Online, March 8, 2012 ( - Plagued by a millennial stereotype, 23-year-old journalist and Gen Y Hub site founder, Britt Hysen, defies the naysayers by doing what Gen Y is best known for- pushing technology and social media advancements to their limits. Referred to as The Voice Of Gen Y by journalist peers, Hysen was determined to challenge the negative stereotype associated with young adults by creating an online community dedicated to the life and times of Gen Y- specifically men and women between the ages of 18 and 35.
"Gen Y has been unfairly labeled, and Gen Y Hub will prove that," Hysen insisted. "We are a community of young, educated individuals with a firm grasp of technology. We love our planet, take pride in our minds and bodies, and care about the injustices of the world. As a whole, we volunteer our time more than any other generation, and for that we have been labeled slackers." Hysen emphasized her mission, "The Voice of Gen Y is about to be heard!"
Britt Hysen inadvertently began her journalism career from the floor of NATPE, the National Association of Television Programming Executives in 2010. What began as a simple video blog to her millennial film school friends, organically developed into something unforeseeable. After capturing the perspectives and predictions from entertainment giants like Disney's Michael Eisner, Discovery Channel's David Zaslav, and NBC's Jeff Gaspin, Hysen left the tradeshow empowered to take control of her journalism career by delivering valuable information and news to her Gen Y peers through Internet distribution. During the next two years The Voice Of Gen Y produced, reported, and blogged on dozens of impacting stories covering lifestyle, entertainment, science, technology, and politics- all told through a Gen Y perspective and distributed on her personal blog site.
Gen Y Hub was the direct result of Hysen's desire to build a community of diverse young adults that contribute to the well being of society through their actions, commentary, and curating of the world around them.
"As a generation, we have some of the most impressive members. Mark Zuckerberg, for example, completely revolutionized the way we communicate. Our troops are educated and highly skilled, our athletes defy logic, and our scientists utilize technology like no other generation, yet the entertainment industry and the media show us in a bad light. Millennials just need a forum to prove them wrong." Hysen further clarified her position, "I want Gen Y to be proud of who they are, to fully understand and defend their legal rights, and to have a place where their talents and opinions matter. That place is Gen Y Hub."
Gen Y Hub is a trifecta of online destinations for Millennials. It is home to The Hub, a digital magazine focusing on the lifestyle of Gen Y; Gen Y TV, a web television network with original web series' from Gen Y producers; and a social media community offering integrated tools that enable selective Tweets and Facebook postings of blogs, photos, and videos. Gen Y Hub also provides Forums for venting, Groups for association, RSS feeds to collate news sources, and Chat rooms for meetings or private conversations.
Hysen revealed her motivation behind Gen Y Hub, "I wanted to create a platform that could drive other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Individually they offer great features, but it's such a pain to switch back and forth among them- especially as a blogger. Smooth integration of social media sites was a key factor in setting up the Gen Y Hub platform."
Gen Y Hub member pages are viewed as valuable Internet real estate. They are customizable through an internal design studio, and provide a facelift to the "paper resume" by visually representing members' talents, skill-sets, businesses, or opinions to site visitors. Gen Y Hub membership is juried and limited to Gen Y (those born 1975 to 1995). It includes a personal page with URL, user defined security options, and the ability to participate in the Gen Y Hub community.
Gen Y Hub represents an international community with members currently representing the United States, Canada, Norway, Romania, Mexico, Malaysia, and Tunisia. General discussions have included politics, environmental issues, career strategy, spirituality, physical/mental health, and pop-culture. Future plans for the site include partnering with brands that offer solutions to the important issues facing Millennials today, which include job creation, group discounts, and useful tips & tools to make life more manageable. Members of the site are encouraged to participate in leadership roles and help steer the course of the next great generation for decades to come.
About Britt Hysen
Gen Y Hub founder, Britt Hysen, is a true millennial by definition- juggling college life while launching a media business. She began her career as an actress and is best known for her role as Mary, a secretary at the Sterling Cooper Ad Agency, in the first two seasons of Mad Men (AMC). Since transitioning into journalism, Britt has covered amazing historical events including Occupy Los Angeles on it's 7th day with speaker Danny Glover, the first Black Tea Party protest held outside the 2011 NAACP convention, and an unprecedented, one-on-one interview with Internet publisher, Andrew Breitbart, who presented his vision for Gen Y just months prior to his death.
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Tags: blogs, Gen Y, generation y, generation y blogs, millennial social media, Millennials, social media, web television