General Purpose Vs. Personalized Noise Cancellation Technology in Telephony

SoliCall to demonstrate the inherent difference between two different approaches for noise reduction in telephony, the general-purpose approach vs. the personalized approach.

SoliCall to demonstrate the inherent difference between two different approaches for noise reduction in telephony, the general-purpose approach vs. the personalized approach.

Noise control in telephony is an exciting research field that keeps providing improvements every year. This is especially true when analyzing the smartphones eco-system. Most of the new improvements and inventions in this field relate to usage of sensors and multiple microphones in order to identify and separate the legitimate part of the call from the noise.

All existing technologies are general-purpose that are not allowed to use a-prior information to help them identify the legitimate part of the call vs. the noise. The decision what is a legitimate part of the call and what is noise might change in different circumstances.

For example, while making a phone call from a dance club then the background music should probably be considered as noise. But, while making a phone call from home and playing some music that you want your party to hear, then the background music is a legitimate part of the call and should not be considered as noise. A general-purpose noise reduction technology has no way to distinguish between these two scenarios and to intelligently define the noise in each of these scenarios. As a result, since the noise is not properly defined, it cannot be effectively removed in neither of these scenarios.

"The general-purpose noise reduction solutions are limited in their power. It is clear that there are physical limitations to the one-size-fits-all approach.", said Moses Benjamin, Director of Marketing for SoliCall. "In order to remove these limitations and take this technology to the next level, personal communications devices (e.g. mobile phones) should use a user-specific noise reduction technology. SoliCall's personalized technology take advantage of personal voice prints and brings the next generation of noise reduction to modern telephony", Mr. Benjamin concluded.

More information on the difference between the general-purpose approach and the personalized approach can be found at

About SoliCall Ltd.
SoliCall Ltd. is a privately-held company. SoliCall's goal is to raise the quality and standards of any audio conversation. SoliCall stands for communicating better by improving existing means of communication on any platform.


Tags: ambient noise, noise reduction, smartphones

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