Generate4Schools Selects Medard H. Nelson Charter School for New Fundraiser; Benefits Business Community

Generate4Schools is a school fundraising company, automatically redirecting money from credit card processing fees businesses have to pay, to school fundraising initiatives in the name of the business.

Medard H. Nelson Charter School in New Orleans, Louisiana, is the most recent School to Join Make2014YOURS. This recently developed initiative allows both New Orleans based businesses and Medard H. Nelson Charter School to see large financial improvements in their budgets. New Orleans businesses that take part in Make2014YOURS will receive the added benefit of local families that stand behind each business that joins.

Businesses that join Make2014YOURS, will save on their card processing fees by as much as 30% and will support Medard H. Nelson Charter School fundraising initiatives by generating a recurring revenue stream each and every month. When businesses take part, they will be supported by hundreds of families in the New Orleans area who are ready and willing to get started. "The City of New Orleans has a very hardworking, dedicated group of families with the correct framework needed to engage in a program like this" said John Malone, Founder and CMO of Generate4Schools. "Medard H. Nelson's relationship with the New Orleans business community is taken extremely seriously, and because of that, I know they are excited for Make2014YOURS".

About Generate4Schools: Generate4Schools has set out to solve the problem of limited revenue for the 84% of U.S. public schools that are underfunded. Founded on the vision of creating a privately held company that puts recurring revenue back into those schools, Generate4Schools competes at a level to accomplish this large, yet extremely important goal.

What We Do: Generate4Schools works with local business to reduce credit card processing fees and generates recurring revenue in addition to the savings, given to local schools on the business' behalf. This program is an automated solution that alleviates the constant struggle associated with event-based fundraising, and helps keeps the programs kids love in schools. Generate4Schools will change the way you think about school fundraising.

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Toll Free: 800.868.1716
Direct: 978.417.0740


Tags: Fundraising, merchant services, New Orleans

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John Malone
Press Contact, Generate4 Schools LLC
Generate4 Schools LLC
21 Water Street
Amesbury, MA 01913
United States