Georgia Strait Women's Clinic, a Leading Drug Rehab & Alcohol Treatment Centre in British Columbia, Announces Post on New Year's Resolution Success

Georgia Strait Women's Clinic is a best-in-class drug rehab, alcohol treatment, and trauma / PTSD treatment program for women in Powell River, British Columbia, Canada. The Clinic is proud to announce a post on New Year's resolutions to help people evaluate their recovery challenges.
Drug Rehab & Alcohol Treatment Centre

Georgia Strait Women's Clinic (, a top-rated drug rehab, alcohol treatment, and PTSD / trauma therapy program based in British Columbia Canada, is proud to announce a new post on evaluating one's recovery progress in light of the New Year. Georgia Strait is a partner program to the Sunshine Coast Health Centre (, a top-rated program in British Columbia for drug rehab, alcohol treatment, and PTSD / trauma therapy that focuses on men. Both programs help persons seeking to recover from addiction and trauma.

"We encourage our clients both male and female to set realistic goals and work towards achieving them during their recovery journey," explained Casey Jordan, Chief Marketing Officer. "We're enhancing our blog content on both sites so that both men and women can find information online that can help them take that first, contemplative step before committing to the recovery process."

The post can be read in its entirety at The post explains that resolutions are not as important as finding the meaning and purpose behind them. The post explains that Georgia Strait helps high-functioning and motivated women find meaning and purpose in their lives. Women from all walks of life have come through its doors over the years with a goal to get their lives back on track. Many have been using drugs or alcohol and understand they've become dependent on them. A large majority also come to the program for high-quality psychiatric care to deal with serious stress, depression, anxiety, eating and food issues, or trauma. While published on the Georgia Strait site the post is obviously relevant to men as well; anyone who is getting ready to begin the recovery journey would do well to read it. On the Sunshine Coast site, for example, one might read the post entitled, "The Happiness Fallacy" ( which also emphasizes meaning over-simplistic goals. Happiness, argues that post, is as much journey as destination. In either case, potential clients are encouraged to not only read the new posts but to reach out to the relevant Centre and discuss their treatment options. Confidential online consultations are available.


Sunshine Coast Health Centre ( is a 47-bed* drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility for men, with 9 separately-located private residences for women, that officially opened on the 15th of March 2004. The Centre has a philosophy of care that goes beyond just addiction to include personal transformation based on three key therapeutic principles: interpersonal relatedness, self-definition (autonomy & competence), and intrinsic motivation. 

*Currently operating with 34 beds due to COVID-19

Source: Georgia Strait Women's Clinic


Tags: alcohol rehabilitation, alcohol treatment, British Columbia, Canada, drug rehab

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