Georgia Toastmasters overcome fears of Public Speaking with 'Death'!
Online, October 6, 2009 (
CONTACT: Andrew Percher
(770) 752-7591
[email protected]
Spooky Speaky:
Georgia Toastmasters overcome fears of Public Speaking with 'Death'!
DULUTH, GEORGIA - If you are like most people, you fear public speaking more than you fear death. However, the person with strong communication skills has a clear advantage over tongue-tied colleagues - especially in today's spookily competitive job market.
This fall, District 14 Georgia Toastmasters is teaming up with Death (a.k.a. The Grim Reaper) in a joint effort to help people conquer their pre-speech jitters. Toastmasters International is a worldwide organization focused on helping people to develop effective communication and leadership skills. On October 16th and 17th District 14 Toastmasters will present a "Spooky Speaky" event at the Marriott Atlanta Gwinnett Place (1775 Pleasant Hill Rd, Duluth, GA 30096, Gwinnett County). The Fall 2009 Conference will be hosted by Division J, which includes North Atlanta area clubs located between GA 400 and Athens, Georgia.
Educational Sessions offered at the 'Spooky Speaky' Fall Conference include:
• Get Hypnotized! - Audience members are hypnotized to demonstrate the power of your subconscious mind in reaching your goals.
• How to Effectively Deliver the Benefits of Becoming a Toastmaster - Answer the question, "If I'm not a professional speaker, why should I join Toastmasters?"
• Four Generations in the Work Place - This presentation will share information on things that drive each generation and include the dos and don'ts.
• Are You G-E-L-ling? Simple Tips to Make Talking to Strangers Less Spooky - Hear more about "G-E-L-ling," an approach to talking to strangers.
• Tell Me a Spooky, Timeless Tale, and I'll Tell You One Too - The workshop master will begin the story, and someone else will finish it.
• Evaluation 9-1-1 - Introduces members to the basics of effective evaluations, giving them a basic structure and techniques for improving critical listening skills.
• Toastmasters: More Than a Social Network - This session will explore the benefits of Toastmasters social networking, how it happens, and how to take advantage of it.
• From Speaker to Workshop Leader - How to Deliver a Dynamic Workshop - Learn the basic fundamentals of how to prepare, design, and present a dynamic workshop.
• Toastmasters - Your Springboard to Professional Success - Use speaking and leadership skills to enhance your career or start a new career.
• Are You Ready to Deal with the Next BIG Change in Your Life? - Explore the relationship between change and stress and learn how to better handle change.
• What It Means to Be a Leader in Toastmasters - Find out the secrets of helping Toastmasters grow and receive the benefits that Toastmasters has to offer.
• Spooky, You Are Not Right? Scary, I Am Not Wrong? Hunting, We Are Just Different!! Learning Styles! - Learn to appreciate all learning styles.
• Be a SENTENCE, Not a PARAGRAPH! - Come away with new tools for self-discovery and the inspiration to act out your life's true mission.
Spooky Speaky weekend will also include state-wide Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests, a Costume Ball, a Banner Parade, a Buffet and a Banquet. Plus "Death" will be there on Friday, when attendees wearing costumes can win prizes by masquerading at the conference.
Members and guests may register online through Special hotel rates are also available for conference attendees.
Tags: conference, networking, toastmasters